Chapter 41| My Coping Mechanism

Start from the beginning

"Yes," he said, tentatively. "Is everything alright?"

I snapped my gaze to him, slowly losing both my patience and control. "You tell me."

"It is," he paused, "I think."

"Where were you last night, Kaison?" I asked, done with playing around the bush.

"I told you, a friend needed me," he insisted.


"More than your girlfriend whom you took to a party the day her father had a heart attack?" I finally questioned.

His brows furrowed. "In a way, yes."

I wish that didn't sting as much as it did.

"At least you said the truth." I laughed mirthlessly, wiping the newfound moisture from under my eyes. "Well, half-truth anyway."

"What are you talking ab-" he stopped, noticing the tears. "Fuck, Liv, are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"Fuck you," I hissed.

"Mon amour, I'm sor-"

"Don't fucking bother."

"What did I do?" He cried helplessly.

I chuckled like a maniac, standing up. "What did you do?" I scoffed, opening Sam's chat where there lay the screenshot of the article she had read. I thrust the picture in his face. "Still need me to elaborate?" I snapped as I wiped my tears.

I saw the color drain out his face and I wished I was dead.

"It's not what you think," he uttered.

"Right," I said, nodding. "I think you should leave."


"Don't bother," I shook my head, "Unless you're not making excuses."

"I-" he stopped himself. He stared at the floor, blinking rapidly for a few seconds before he stood up.

"You're right," he said. "I should leave. I'm sorry for wasting your time."

Wow, a second heartbreak. And I'm still breathing. I must be cursed.

Distract yourself. Focus on the facts. Lock away the emotions and deal with them later.

"The keys," I demanded, wiping the fresh tears away.


"My keys, Kaison."

"Right." He stopped, fishing them out of his pocket. He dropped them in my awaiting hand. He moved to go past me and every part of me screamed in protest.

Fuck focus.

Impulsively, I caught his hand to stop him from leaving. "Please give me one good reason why I have to look at that picture, Kai. One reason is all I ask."

His face contorted.

"You won't understand," he replied hoarsely.

"I know you're hiding something," I blurted out desperately. Call me pathetic, but I needed him. I didn't want to lose him.

He looked at me helplessly. "Li-"

No. Not again. I know there is more to what meets the eye.

"You have a month." I closed my eyes, releasing his hand. "One month, Kaison. Spill the beans, give me the explanations I need, and you can fix us."

Please fix us.

I opened my eyes to see him nod stiffly. Without meeting my eye, he walked away. Something about his response made my heart shrivel and cringe back. The immediate feeling of loneliness plagued me.

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