Anniversary Special (Post Finale)

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Not that I want him to be expert in that field anyway. I am happy the way he is. Because he is mine. And I am so happy about it. It's like I am in a wonderland. We argue a lot. Fight too. And funny thing is now when we fight, he goes to my place, straight to Aim and aunt Ying while I go to old town and stay with his family.

But yesterday when we had a fight, Nanon has not come back after that. I assumed that late night he will be back, but he did not. Or maybe he did. But today morning when I woke up he wasn't there.

I still don't know how it blew up out of proportion. But this topic whenever it comes out, it always ends up in a heated argument.

"Ohm..." Dad called me when he entered the studio.

"You came!" I said and ran to my father who was finally back from Mexico. He has been constantly roaming around now. But he sometimes comes back home and meets us all. Usually whenever he is home, Nanon and I go to meet him or even stay at home for a day or two. He totally adores Nanon. Completely opposite to how he was earlier. But I can't blame him. Nanon is too cute.

"Of course I came. Am I late? Where is Non?" He snapped. How can my own dad snap at me and ask for Nanon all the time?

"Dad he will be here soon." I assured uncertainly. But I can't let anybody else worry.

"Thank god, I am not late then. I will go accompany Nanon's dad till then." He said and patted my shoulder and went in to meet my in-laws.

It was half an hour above the decided time to open the studio. And I was starting to worry. I have been dialing his number for so long. But to no avail.

I called Drake and they said that Nanon was not at his old studio too. It was only Chimon, Jimmy and him picking up all the important stuff from there to get here.

"Ohm... Ohm..." Aim came running.

"What happened?"

"Nanon said he won't be coming."

"What????" I asked wide eyed. "Is he nuts? This is his studio opening. What does it mean he isn't coming?"

"He said that he is so pissed off with you that he doesn't care about anything. He won't come."

"What nonsense! We argued but that has got nothing to do with this studio. This is his dream, our dream." I snapped. "Give me the phone."

"He disconnected."

"Where is he? Did he say anything?"

"He said he is not going to let you know his location." She said with terrified expressions.

"What the fuck!" I yelled throwing my phone on the ground. "I will find him no matter what." I said and stormed out of the studio.


Nanon's POV:

He came out storming as expected and then his eyes landed on me. He stopped and stared at me wide eyed. Then his eyes roamed around and he saw the huge hoarding behind me with the only picture what was clicked of us together in Vegas 5 years back on the very same day. Both drunk and in each other's arms. That was the day everything changed. That was the day he came into my life. And till day, I can't think of any reason to regret the fiasco that happened.

And so using all my skills I beautified this picture and kept it on a hoarding. The question that I am going to ask will require him to remember this day too.

I gestured Chimon and he got my guitar. I looked over at Jimmy who came near me with a mic. And Drake got me a chair to sit.

I took a seat and Ohm's expression right now are the most precious ones for me. I looked at him and cleared my throat. Shaking nervously, I looked at him in the eye.

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