snow ball war

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a few hours later after opening presents we all got changed getting ready for a snowball war. kate and i were in our now shared room for a while, getting dressed in thick clothes.

"hey, can i borrow that jacket?" she points at the hoodie i have already just put on myself, "cmon kate, i just put this on." she gave me puppy dog eyes with a frown making me sigh.

"fine, only because i like you." she cheered as i took it off. holding it in my hand i hold it in front of her, just before she could grab it i yank it back.

she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion while i smirked, "you're gonna have to earn it, bishop." i pointed at my cheek rapidly while she got closer.

she stood in front of me puckering her lips going to my cheek, just before her lips could connect my cheek i turn my head, our lips meeting each other.

pulling away i give her a smug smile while she rolled her eyes, "come on, beautiful, before my dad busts in here thinking we're doing other stuff than kissing."

grabbing her hand leading her out, not before grabbing a red hoodie on my way out. "you ready?" clint asked with a smile as we reached the bottom floor.

"yeah, what're the teams." i breathe out while putting the hoodie over my head.

"mom isn't playing, she's our referee, so we'll have captains. alex and i are captains since we're the older ones." he smirked as lila, and cooper groaned in annoyance, kate and nathan just laughed.

"okay dad, pick first." he smiled smugly and called out, "kate." my smile dropped as i watched her walk over beside him.

"oh that's- you- come on." i whine before putting my posture back up. "all right, lila." the teen skipped over to me with a wide smile, and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"cooper." he picked my brother leaving us with the child.

"okay then," i mumble while staring at our little group, "here's our plan." i whisper crouching down to nathan's level. "you gotta cry and pretend to be hurt, they'll come running to you, then bam! we hit 'em with a ball."

he grinned excitedly while giving me a fist pump, "all right, prepare to lose." we all walked out into the cold.

"come here." i gesture to kate. as soon as she was in front of i adjust her hat and then add the hood. "hey no bribing the opponents with kisses!" clint yelled after i kissed her nose.

"wouldn't dream of kissing any one of you, except kate, otherwise that'd be incest."i yell back as kate laughed, "good luck, enemy."

"good luck." with that she gave me a peck on the lips before jogging over to clint and cooper.

running over to lila and nathan i began shoveling a pile of snow, with the shovel i grabbed off the porch.

"what're you doing?" lila asked confused. grunting as i pushed the shovel deep i reply, "building a protection, thing- shit... i don't know! you know like those things soldiers use to take cover?"

she nodded while helping me form a wall with the pile of snow, "nathan you gotta help bud. or else we'll lose this war." i breathe out, patting down the wall to make it even.

once the barricade thing was built was looked across and saw they were doing the same thing, "hey, nice tactic! wonder where you got it from." calling out sarcastically.

once everyone's wall was set and ready we looked over to laura, "okay on your marks," we prepared the ball of snow in our hands waiting for the mark, "go!"

as soon as she said go we began tossing balls of snow at eachother. snow flying everywhere, hitting the wall, trees, and even the house?

"nathan," i speak while tossing a ball at kate, "time for our little plan, you remember?"

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