the ants house

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were currently standing outside of a building. kate's eyes linger on the buzzer names. she presses a button and her hand slowly moves down pressing a bunch.

she looks at me and plays it off like she didn't spam a bunch of doors. "yello?"

"yes, hey, uh... hi. yeah, we're... uh, i got pizza." i raise a brow at her, "huh? what?"

"i got pi- uh-huh."


"mhm. yep. that's." a buzz let's us know the man buzzed us in. she turns back at us and clint nods his head and i hum in amusement.

we follow kate up the stairs and she grabs something from her pocket. "okay, not exactly a fortress, but it'll do, right?" clint says making me elbow him and mouth 'don't be rude'

"it's my aunts place. she's in florida for the winter." did she just pronounce it as ant?, "hold that for me." i grab her bow as she fiddles with the lock.

she flickers the lights as we walk deeper in the apartment. i sniff the air and my nose immediately crinkles. "is there cats here?"

"no just cat hair." she emphasizes.

we walk to the kitchen when clint sets down the bags. "here. i need you to clean your wounds. use this. use soap, this and disinfect it. all right. i'm going back to your apartment to get that suit. alex wait here until i get back, then we're going back to your siblings." i smile thankfully that he's getting my suit back.

"oh yes clint, go back to my apartment. don't you need my keys?" she asks sarcastically

"nope. i'm good. stay here. lock this door." he shuts the door and i turn around on my heels.

"well this is great." i mumble going through the fridge and getting a water bottle.

i turn back around to see kate holding a pizza box to her head she sets it down to show her messed up bandage.

"sit on the counter." she looks at me confused, "you did it all wrong. let me fix it."

"you're taking it off?" she says while jumping to sit on the counter. "yeah. it's on wrong."

i open her legs so i can stand between them. i look at her when she clears her throat, to see her blushing. "and i'm just gonna rip it off like a bandaid okay?" i ready my hands over her forehead.

"ready. one." i don't give her time to react when i rip it off. "my bad." i say when she groans.

i grab her face making me look at me. "alright i'm just gonna clean it up." i set the cotton swab with alcohol on it making her groan. "you don't want this infected, it'll ruin your week." kate's eyes never moved from my face as i cleaned her up.

"ooh. that's actually not so bad. it's like a deep scratch. want these perpendicular to it,you wanna close it," i start setting the bandaid diagonally on her cut, "this is helping it cinch. so it can mend to each other faster. all good?"

she clears her throat, "yeah. mh-mm." she hum.

"so how do you think my place is?" she looks down at her legs where i'm still stood between. "crispy." i reply patting her thighs, before walking away from them.

"what's this?" i ask looking down at her notepad. "oh, i started to describe, um, what i could remember of the tracksuits' faces."

"i'm guessing you failed in art."

she looks down in disappointment , "okay. um i would offer to buy you guys a hotel, uh cause from certain angles, i know this all looks like my fault", it's not it's mines, "um but my mom cancelled my credit cards due to the whole clock tower."

"that's not necessary. we'll just be a few until my dad gets the suit." she looks down in disappointment.

"okay. thank you for.." she points at her head before walking into the living room. i sigh following her.

"it's not your fault kate." i say sincerely while placing my hand on top of hers. "i-it is. i mean if i didn't wear that suit you two would be home for christmas." she stutters out while blushing a bit.

"are you hungry? i have m&ms?" i offer smiling a bit. she laughs while nodding, "m&ms would be nice." i give a quick closed lip smile.

as i'm walking towards the bag i turn towards the door opening then closing. my guard is immediately up as i reach for the gun hidden in my waist band. i hold my gun up and pointing it at the figure.

"woah woah alexandria! it's me!" i huff while putting my gun down. "when the hell did you get a gun!? clint exclaims.

"uh, since we came here?" i say as if it's the most obvious thing. "how'd you even bring it on the plane?"

"i paid extra." i shrug putting my gun back into my waistband walking back over to kate.

i hand her the other bag of m&ms as i munch on mines. "did you get the suit?" i ask after jumping over the couch landing perfectly on it.

"well i came in here empty handed didnt i?"he sarcastically asked making me roll my eyes while kate chuckles.

"oh this is funny to you katie?" i raise a brow at her, making her smile falter, "it's- it's just kate." i smirk knowing i'm going to use that against her.

"uh there's only one room, so you two can sleep in there i'll take the couch." kate pats the couch.

"i'll take the couch, you two girls take the room." i give him a pointed look making him smirk a tiny bit.

"yeah. yeah okay. well i'm heading to bad, goodnight guys." she turns around to walk.

"goodnight kate."

"night katie."
clint and i respond at the same time. "it's kate!" she calls out when she enters the room.

"what are you doing!?" i whisper shout once she closes the door leaving a slight gap.

"what did natasha promise you?"

"i- what?" he completely catches me off guard.

"i know she made you promise something. what was it?"

"i promised to stop sleeping around and find love." i mumble playing with my hands.

"exactly so why can't you keep that promise!?" he whisper shouts.

"cause i'm scared!" i exclaim loudly, "you weren't here, you got snapped away. you were gone. i was close to aunt natasha and she's gone." i whimper out. "im scared to get close to someone else and losing them." now streams of tears fall from my face.

clint wraps his arm around me holding me tight, "i'm here now sweetheart." he kisses my head. "this line of work you'll lose things. that's why you should appreciate the time you have, don't let it go to waste. anything can happen alex, so take this time you have and let yourself be happy." he continues to hold me tight.

"keep your promise to natasha." he whispers while i nod. "i know she likes you alex. have you seen the way she stammers over her words around you?" he says making me chuckle.

"i mean yeah, but it could also be cause of you. i mean i think she looks up to you. have you seen the way she gawked at you a few hours ago?" i ask while laughing making him laugh too.

"go get some sleep kid. we have a rough couple of days ahead of us." i nod getting up and walking towards the room.

when i walk in i see kate sprawled out over the bed like a starfish making me chuckle. i walk over to the bed and see her shivering. i take off my shoes and coat while sitting on the bed. i grab the blanket on the edge of the bed pulling it over kate's body.

i lay down getting under the covers and turn to kate's sleeping body. "goodnight kate." i whisper before shutting the lights off.

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