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kate and i were headed to her college after making a pit stop at a coffee shop. she made me buy her iced coffee and a bagel.

"the bed is coming in today." i tell her as we round the corner.

"yeah? finally," she groaned leaning back on the seat, "that inflatable bed was killing my back."

"i'll set it up along with the frame while you do your college studying stuff."

"i'm so lucky," she whispered and i hummed confused, "i have a the sweetest girlfriend who can build stuff."

"okay, well, to be fair it's an ikea product so it has instructions. secondly, i did do workshop while in school, had me building bird houses."

i wipe my shoulder pretending to dust it off, smiling cockily. i turned my head slightly, admiring the way kate's eyes crinkled when she laughed and how widely she smiled.

"don't get so cocky now, barton."

"why not? you seem to think it's funny." she shook her head with a smile, the comfortable silence between us as we drove.

"what do you plan on doing now? go back to school? get a job?" kate asked and i frowned.

"become a stripper." i reply with a straight face then chuckle when she shot me a glare.

"not funny."

"i'm kidding," i chuckled, "strippers remind me of those pigs under fires being twirled so it cooks all the way."

"but no, i don't know. maybe i'll ask eli about welding. i mean i wanted to do that as a kid. i don't know why or how i got to that conclusion but..."

"ask her, i'm sure she'd be willing to teach you." i nodded with a smile, "never mind, i'll be with you if she teaches you."

"huh? why?"

"because you two together are like adding water to a fire."

"care to explain, bishop?"

"last night? eli brought her switch and put it on the projector, you two were dancing and when you were losing, you made a full on wwe match with her."

"ohhh, i remember," i chuckled, "yeah, well, maybe she shouldn't cheat."

"how do you cheat on just dance!" kate laughed, "maybe if you weren't dancing so stiffly..."

"hey! how the hell are you supposed to 'dance' to a song where the 'dance' is you crawling like a spider?"

"you were just supposed to crouch and move left and right thought."

"i have back problems." i whined as en excuse.

"mhm and i have two dogs, and by the way you need to walk lucky."

"yes, ma'am. i got him." we pulled up at the front of her school, watching as people whispered and looked at us.

"i think they know you're clint barton's daughter now." kate mumbled with a sheepish smile.

"you don't say." i reply sarcastically. she smiled and gave my cheek a kiss and hopped out my car.

the groups of people still whispered at me. i gave them a fake smile and waved at them.

as i was about to pull away i got a phone call. i sighed checking the name but it was a no caller id.

"hello?" i asked as i pressed the phone to my ear.

"alexandria barton, pleasure to meet you." a deep male voice said.

"look, man. you should've waited til i was home popping something up in the kitchen to kill me, rather than in the middle of a place with cameras."

"what- no-"

the archers war | kate bishopOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora