ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sɪx

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"Isn't the food so tasty? Aren't you glad that I picked this expensive restaurant?" The man leaned back, taking a bite from his steak. "I guess so, yes. But shouldn't we get to know each other? After all, this is still a date." He put his fork down, looking at the knife quietly.

"Of course, of course! There's something I wanted to ask you anyways. Did you ever have a boyfriend before? You're so pretty, I bet you had lots of them!" She sighed. 'There he goes with the backhanded compliments again. It sounds like he's doing it on purpose.'

Before she could give him an answer, her phone beeped. Glancing slightly at it, her eyes widened for a moment. »Did you end up going out with that man?« It was Yasuhiro. Was he feeling bad for predicting her future the wrong way? Probably. Why else would he be texting her?

"Hey, I'm talking to you. Where are your manners? Who looks at their phone while they are on a date? Please be kind enough to pay attention to me." Huffing, she let her phone slide into her bag as she crossed her arms. "Well, what kind of answer are you expecting from me?"

He didn't seem to be expecting that kind of answer. "What do you mean by that? Even if you had many boyfriends before, I would still be willing to love you!" His smile was sickening to her. How rotten could one person possibly be? Why did he have to be like that?

"I see? That's... That's nice to hear, I guess. But that wasn't what I meant at all." Her voice raised slightly. Just a tiny bit, enough for some people to look at them. They were probably pitying her for having ended up with that weird and impolite man.

"Hey, keep your voice down, will you? People are already giving us weird stares. Which is, of course, your fault. And what did you mean then?" Clenching her fists, the (h/c) haired female looked down at her lap for a few seconds. 'This man is probably the biggest j-rk I've ever met.'

"What kind of image do you have of me? We're only on our first date. Your questions are way too personal and kind of pushy. So I suggest you start to actually treat me like a princess. Or was it all a lie and you aren't a gentleman like you said?"

The man in front of her seemed to become upset. People began to mutter things about how bad of a guy he was. It made him feel like he was losing control over the whole situation, the whole date. How could a woman like her just take control over the things that were happening?

And despite his anger, he was determined to find out just what kind of business her friend owned. Maybe she was the key to some easy money. 'I really need to be friendly and loving to her, or she will leave, even worse, make a scene!'

"Please calm down, my dear. I didn't realize my questions were making you so uncomfortable. I'll do my best to make the rest of the evening much more enjoyable. After all, I really am a true gentleman." With that, he gently grabbed her hand, that was laying on the table, giving it a soft kiss.

(Y/n) really wasn't having the time of her life, and neither was Yasuhiro. The Ultimate Clairvoyance was feeling guilty and worried, especially since the female didn't answer his message. Was she ignoring him on purpose? Was he really that bad of a friend? Hopefully, she would be able to forgive him.

ʏᴀsᴜʜɪʀᴏ ʜᴀɢᴀᴋᴜʀᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora