ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғɪᴠᴇ

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»I don't know why you would need 15 minutes to pick out flowers, but I don't want to wait any longer. Have a nice evening.« The (h/c) haired female looked at the time. He was more than just a little bit late. His message concerning the flowers was sent at 6:15pm.

»But I'm almost there, princess! Please give me the chance to treat you to dinner. I promise you won't regret it.« Sighing, she didn't even bother to answer. Why would she? It wouldn't change the situation at all. And it wouldn't change how rude he had been to her the whole time.

Just when (y/n) was about to change into her comfortable clothes again, someone rang the bell of her (house/flat). Raising an eyebrow, she looked at the time again. "It's 6:30pm now. Talk about being a gentleman." She mumbled to herself before slowly opening the door, looking around carefully.

'Good evening, princess. Join me in the car, would you?' A card read, tucked inside of a bouquet of roses. Her mood didn't get better at all as she slowly stepped outside, shivering slightly at how cold the fresh evening air was. In the distance, someone waved at her, mentioning her to come over.

'I guess that's him, hm?' Gripping her (f/c) bag, the female slowly walked closer to the male, looking him up and down. 'He's handsome, I will give him that. His car seems to be really expensive too. These are probably his only good traits. I don't even want to find out.'

"Hello, princess. I'm sorry for making you wait this long. I wanted to pick the best flowers possible for you!" With a skecptical look on her face, she looked at the bouquet in her hands. "The best flowers possible? Some of these roses are already starting to lose petals."

Almost nervously, he chuckled, taking the flowers away from her and throwing them into a nearby trashcan. "I know, I know! I just wanted to test you to see if you have an eye for quality. Anyways, it's time for us to go now, isn't it?" He opened the passenger door for her.

"I guess it is." She nodded, getting in and putting the seatbelt on. Watching him get into the car made her sigh. He was acting completely smooth and mysterious as if he didn't just give her some old roses and arrived 30 minutes later than planned.

Not only was the atmosphere really awkward, it was also really silent while they drove to the restaurant that he had showed her. "Do you have your purse with you?" The male suddenly asked, making her raise an eyebrow for the second time that evening. "Why do you ask? Didn't you plan on paying?"

"Of course, I'm just asking, just in case you have to show them your identity card since it's a really fancy and expensive restaurant. But if you don't have it with you, we can just go to a fast food restaurant. Would you like that?" His arrogant tone made her want to throw up.

"No, of course not." Biting her tongue a bit, she held herself back from throwing some bad insults at him. "Aren't you acting a little bit like... You know... A total d--chebag?" The car came to a really sudden stop as he gave her a small glare. 

"What did you just say? Be grateful I'm inviting you to dinner! You won't find someone like me ever again, no matter how many dating apps you download!" With that being said, he began to drive again, ignoring the female who was visibly uncomfortable. 'Yes, I really am so lucky...!'

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