three's a crowd

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Nishinoya waved his hands wildly, brushing it off as nothing to worry about. (Y/N) wasn't too convinced because he looked like he stopped breathing, non-verbal sounds leaving his mouth. After he tripped yet again, did she ask once more, if he was okay.

Nishinoya raised a finger into the air, the action saying 'give me a minute.'

She arched her brow. "You tripped like three times now."

"And you called Akaashi sensei a 'good boy'" he fired back. "Let a guy breathe will you? I'm trying my hardest not to get a boner here."

The girl coughed, feeling her face flush. "By accident" she stressed. "Like it slipped out because of all the praising..."

Nishinoya moaned, gripping his hair tightly, pain masking his face. "Please don't. Not another word or I might just get hard. I feel like crying honestly", he sniffled dramatically. "Imagine an angel praising you."

"You used all the dick-sucking tips I gave you, yes?" he demanded, grabbing her by the shoulders. "Describe to me the exact procedure and if I get a boner then you've succeeded by my standards. Okay go, I'm listening."

"The Bananas used in the demonstration haven't gone to waste, right?" he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"Oh shut up."

Talking back and forth, they failed to notice the entourage heading in their direction. It wasn't until Nishinoya's mouth dropped open did she turn to look at what got his attention. Sakusa and Akiteru strolled past them, the lighter-haired man smiled kindly whilst Sakusa didn't so much as blink at them - nonchalance veiling his dark eyes.

But that wasn't all; Suna trailed after them, slowly turning his head to look at her as he passed by. His eyes looked her up and down, offering a tiny smile before following after the other two men. The sounds of their footsteps echoed down the hall; looking like they belonged in a mafia rather than a school.

Suna looked back, biting his lip. She caught sight of a golden earring just before he turned his attention towards the front. (Y/N) continued to look after their retreating backs, contemplation weighing down on her the longer she stared.

Nishinoya was being oddly silent and when she glanced at him, she found that he was leaning against the wall, taking deep breaths. Fanning his face, he looked like he just ran ten miles. "That's too much hotness walking down the hallway."

He looked down between his legs. "Down boy."

Nishinoya turned to her, determination set into his features. He gestured for her hand, impatiently grabbing it. "Can you feel my dick right now and tell me if I'm hard because I don't know if I'm hallucinating or not."

She wretched her hand out of his grasp, shooting him a dirty look but he didn't seem to care, too preoccupied with the men.

Nishinoya took a deep breath, cupping his mouth. "I'LL LICK YOUR SHOES FOR FREE! IF YOU NEED THEM CLEANED YOU CAN COME FIND M-!!"

She practically shoved her hand into his mouth, strangling him at the same time, especially when the trio looked back with alarmed faces at the loud commotion. Nishinoya thrashed around in her arms as she dragged him away.

The men exchanged looks. Sakusa rolled his eyes, being the first one to continue walking. Akiteru shook his head, laughing lightly with amusement stretching his mouth. Suna looked so confused that it was almost endearing but when he saw the other two men act as if this was normal, he hesitantly followed after them.

Nishinoya freed his mouth, furiously glaring at Sakusa. "Oi, Christian Grey wannabe! You should be the last one to roll your eyes, Mr 'I don't kiss because I'm absolutely perfect and it's beneath me'. My ass."

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