caught on 4k

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SAKUSA SAT ON the couch, one leg crossed over the other with both his hands clasped together on his thigh. His facial expression was blank but then again, it never really changed. However there was something about this particular moment that made it seem more - chilling to say the least.

He looked like he was out for blood.

The others slowly made their way inside the staff room, warily eyeing Sakusa with apprehension. Spreading around, they found places to perch down since no one dared to join the stern man on the couch.

Akaashi wondered what this meeting was about as a second later the exact same words were being echoed in the air.

"What's this about?" asked Terushima, confusion marring his face. "Who fucked up this time?"

A few individuals directed their attention towards a certain duo. Iwaizumi was the one to answer the question, giving insight to the others who remained unawares. "The twins of course, who else?"

Osamu frowned whilst Atsumu had to bite down a retort. "What have we done?"

"Only snitched to Suna and them about the game and now they want to interfere" sighed Kuroo, leaning his head against the wall. Bokuto's mouth dropped open, jerking his head to look at the brothers. "Snitches get stitches."

"I personally prefer snitches get ditches" smirked Oikawa, cheerfully smiling a second later. "But that's just me."

Tendou perked up, curiously looking over at Sakusa. "So what's gonna happen now?"

"Kita, Daishou and Suna will be coming from next week onwards. They'll be spending a lot of time here because some people don't know when to keep their mouth shut", Sakusa scowled deeply, shooting a withering glare at the twins. "Tsukishima will attempt to deal with them but there's no guarantee it'll work."

Tapping his cheek, the rednette looked up at the ceiling in deep thought. "So basically we give them hell?"

"Hell yeah!" hollered Terushima, poking his tongue out of his mouth. "Dibs on Daishou! I've always wanted to kick the Orochimaru wannabe's ass."

Kuroo 'clicked' his tongue, folding his arms in front of him. "Get in line, Deidara."

Bokuto slung his arms over both of the men's shoulders, dragging them closer to his body with a big grin splayed across his face. "It's settled. We'll take care of the snake."

Oikawa looked over at Iwaizumi and Tendou. "We'll be sure to give Suna a very big welcome, won't we boys?"

The bright-eyed brunette grunted but didn't argue. He looked over at the chaotic trio that consisted of the biggest troublemakers. "I'd appreciate it if you'd leave something for me to work with. I've got to show everyone who's the real bitch."

The side of Kuroo's mouth tugged upwards, lowering his head slightly in understanding. "Want us to get you a leash?"

Iwazumi smirked.

"I don't need a leash to show a bitch her place."

Oikawa radiated pride, slapping his friend's broad shoulder. "You heard the man, leave Suna to us". He looked over at Tendou, a devious smile blossoming across his lips. "I'd ask you if you're ready to get your hands dirty but since you're an art teacher, kinda makes no sense for me to."

Tendou flexed his fingers, playing with the ones covered in bandages. "The bigger the mess, the better it turns out."

"However the very important question that still stands" he wondered to himself, checking out his nails. "To ruin his Saint Laurent suit? Or his BMW?"

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