good cop, bad cop

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Akiteru surveyed the meeting room, hands formally clasped in front of him - confusion marring his features. He looked towards the two science teachers present, raising a brow in a silent question.

Atsumu shrugged his shoulders carelessly, 'clicking' his tongue. "Nope" he smiled lazily, drumming his fingers on the table. "Haven't seen 'im."

Switching his attention to the other man, Bokuto gave a wide smile. "Wasn't in the classroom went I went there to check" he finished with a playful chirp, not at all caring where his friend was. "Maybe he's got his hands tied up with some work?"

Akiteru eyed them both closely. Judging from their terrible acting, their bluffs were poorly executed but then it seemed as if they weren't exactly trying to hide it either. Both men exchanged secretive glances, eyes filled to the brim with smugness.

Shaking his head, he sighed to himself. Sakusa who sat to his right rolled his eyes at the other two, scoffing quietly. "Well then, we'll get started without him" smiled Akiteru, clapping his hands once.

Oikawa leaned forward in his seat, grinning from ear to ear. "How was the trip?"

"Saeko passes on sweet greetings to you all. Her and Ukai will be visiting next week so I want you all to be on your best behaviour, am I clear?"

Akiteru's eyes flickered to certain people in the group, teasing yet firm at the same time. The twins both sat up straight at the mention of the woman's name. It was nothing new to the men in the room that those two admired her deeply so whenever she was mentioned - their attention would be unbreakable. It was amusing to say the least.

"Whilst on the topic of behaviour...", his voice dropped an octave, smile losing it's ease and curling into something more stony. Akiteru's warm gaze steeled over which sent a shudder down everyone's spine at the sight of it. "...I've heard some interesting things. Care to elaborate on it? Or shall I do it myself?"

Nobody spoke, driving their stares anywhere but at the man sitting at the head of the table. Tendou examined his fingers, discreetly looking at the twins and seeing how they both had their heads bowed - unmoving. He didn't think they were even breathing with how still their shoulders were. A ghost of a smirk pulled at his mouth, disguised glee masking his face.

If there was one thing that no one dared to do - was go against Tsukishima Akiteru.

At first glance, people would think that Sakusa was the biggest asshole because he never bothered to hide his distaste for people. It was always blatant in the way that he spoke and acted around people he disliked. That's his way of establishing his presence; and he was damn well good at doing it.

But obviously that didn't always stop people from poking fun at him. A few primse examples were sitting right in this room. However, Sakusa wasn't the man who ruled over the school because that position belonged to someone else.

There was a different type of respect when it came to Akiteru. He was always polite, kind and professional when it came to his position. It wasn't difficult to see how much time and effort he put into his role. Everything was done to utmost perfection. Clearly a trait passed down between the Tsukishima brothers.

Sakusa and Akiteru were a very balanced pair in this perspective. The textbook definition of the good cop, bad cop routine. It was clearly obvious who took on which approach but the best thing that a lot of people didn't know;

Was that Tsukishima Akiteru could become the meanest son of a bitch if put in a certain position.

It made Sakusa pale in comparison. The simple fact that this man, who greets and knows all of his students' names, can be the same person who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. His temper was downright terrifying if pushed past the point of no return. It was rare to see him lose his composure but there was usually a line they knew not to cross.

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