calm before the storm

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(Y/N) WAS LATE - again.

Entering the classroom, the girl kept her head down as she went to the teacher's desk to hand over a written note, not even waiting for the man to acknowledge her presence before she made her way to her seat.

Akaashi paused his teaching, focusing his attention on her, even after she had sat down then did he only look at the slip of paper that laid on his desk. Not once had she uttered a single word, no apology or mention of where she was.

Opening the paper, his turquoise eyes momentarily flashed in her direction, finding her staring blankly at her desk. Nishinoya didn't even greet his friend, unblinking gaze plastered to the board but Akaashi was more than certain that not a single word that he had taught since the beginning of lesson actually settled in the boy's brain.

The duo looked out of it which left an unpleasant feeling swirling in the man's gut.

Reading over the note, the familiar hand-writing sprawled a simple and straightforward answer that only heightened Akaashi's uncertainty The cursive signature burned into his retinas, a subtle purse of his lips pulled at his mouth.

Had matters to discuss - Sakusa Kiyoomi

Letting his face fall back under it's neutral mask, the ravenette resumed his teaching without another word, carefully placing the note on his desk. Turning his back to the class, Akaashi started to write down some exercises - trying his best to stabilize his focus once more.

The frown pulling at his lips said otherwise.

"Can I please have a word with you, (L/N)" said Akaashi loudly, watching his class pack up and slowly trickle out of the room.

She stopped mid-step, snapping out of a daze when her name was called. Walking over to his desk, (Y/N) blinked a couple of times, fingers fiddling with the strap of her backpack. Akaashi patiently waited for the class to empty out, catching sight of Nishinoya leaving.

The pair hadn't spoken once throughout the lesson.

Once the door was closed, he regarded her closely, eyes flickering to the paper that sat at the corner of his desk. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly, not wishing to startle the girl.

She absentmindedly shrugged, blankly staring at the teacher's table. "Yeah I'm fine."

Not buying that answer, Akaashi opened his mouth to try and ask her further if she was truly okay when something ensnared his gaze, making the words die out in his throat.

Up until this point, (Y/N) wasn't actually mentally present, too lost in her mind at what had happened - still not believing it did happen. It felt like she was automatically running and processing everything that was going on around her yet not letting any of it sink in.

That was until she felt herself properly snap out of it when a cool pair of lips ghosted over her wrist.

Surprised, the girl blinked a couple times to clear the haze from her mind. Akaashi gently cradled both of her hands in his, carefully assessing her wrists with a distinct frown marring his mouth.

"Sakusa didn't hurt you, did he?"

The man's voice was soft, as to not scare her but there was no hiding the steely bite to it that just barely hid beneath the subdued tone. Looking away from the faint redness that was wrapped around both her wrists - a reminder of the belt that kept them tied together.

Akaashi's eyes snapped to meet hers, effectively cutting off the words that were about to leave her mouth. The calm turquoise that always reminded her of the ocean that would gently lap at the shores during the quiet hours of dawn was all but gone, replaced by a dark jade green that glimmered like two precious jewels in the dark.

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