hook, line & sinker

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A lot of things have happened to (Y/N) throughout the course of her life - embarrassing things to say the least. Of course, no one is exempt from this because it's only natural to experience such a form of learning.


Of all the things, she has gone through. All the times she felt the familiar flare of embarrassment, it has never been as bad as during this very moment. And as she gazed at the man responsible for it, her mind went blank. Because all she could see was him smiling up at her, hands casually resting in his pockets and an air of indifference hanging around him.

So very similar to his brother in the way that they both held themselves - but so very different. At times, she completely forgot that they were related.

Tsukishima Akiteru, a polite man who's always gotten on well with his students, the same man who was acting as if he didn't just walk in on one of his employees fucking a student against the announcement podium. The same one where he would make important announcements once every week during assembly.

This sounded like the perfect time to cease her existence.

But the soft squeeze on her hip threw her back into the present because she was reminded that someone else was in fact there as well. Iwaizumi took in her state, the frozen expression on her face as she didn't know whether to cry or laugh at the situation. Even though Akiteru had asked her a question, it seems she wasn't about to respond anytime soon.

Which prompted a light chuckle from the man himself. "Well from the looks of things, Hajime has definitely been treating you well" teased Akiteru, amusement sliding across his face.

Iwaizumi took on the role of diverting the attention to himself, much to (Y/N)'s relief as she fidgeted between his splayed arms on either side of her. "You came back early, was the trip okay?"

If the light-haired male noticed the subtle change in subject, he didn't comment on it. But his smile grew a fraction, a knowing emotion flickering in his eyes. "It was fine. Saeko sends everyone her love and she can't wait to see you guys soon."

She decided to look anywhere but at the two men, only half-listening to their ongoing conversation whilst her mind was a chaotic warp of frantic thoughts - mainly circling around 'I need to get out of here'.

Akiteru took his hand out of his pocket, taking a look at his watch. "Lunch is almost over and I still need to see Kei. I want to talk to everyone after school, there's some things that need to be discussed."

He raised his head, staring directly at them. "I'll leave you two to clean up" he announced happily, turning around on his heel but not before leaving one last note. "Oh and (Y/N)?"

Closing her eyes, Iwaizumi bit back a laugh when he saw the way she practically forced herself to look at Akiteru, body tense and coiled like a spring. "I would like for you to come to my office during the first break tomorrow if that's alright with you?"

All she did was give a nod, that was more of a millisecond jerk of her head really, smile tight with nerves tugging at the corners. Iwaizumi stroked her thigh with his thumb, trying to ease her a little but all it did was make her flinch at the gesture. "Yes, sir" she muttered quietly.

"Good", was all he said, showing them one last smile. Akiteru lingered for a fraction of a second before finally walking away - the echoes of his footsteps receding the farther he walked until the soft closing of the double doors was the last thing heard.

A couple beats passed where neither of them said or did anything until Iwaizumi was the first to break the awkward silence. A small frown disrupted his neutral facial features, eyebrows furrowed. "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go that far. With the name calling and uh-, the rest..." he finished lamely, a sudden surge of embarrassment coursing through him.

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