be a good kitten

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Nishinoya trailed off, raising a brow at (Y/N)'s seated form whilst the rest of the class was already packing up and leaving the room. She shook her head, staying right where she was even though the bell just rang for their first break.

"I need to talk to him" she said quietly, carefully watching the raven-haired man organize his table as he bid his goodbyes to the students. Nishinoya looked between Kuroo sensei and then back at her a few times curiously. But then it clicked in his head and he was beginning to vibrate on the spot with excitement.

"Oh, so you're gonna cum, not come."

She choked on air, spluttering slightly at the implication. "Shh!" she hissed lowly, a faint blush colouring her cheeks. "And don't say that."

Embarrassed, the girl fidgeted in her seat, unsure of what to do or where to look. "We're just gonna talk."

Nishinoya hummed thoughtfully. "Is that a fancy way of saying you'll be having his tongue down your throat?"

"But anyways" he barked loudly, sending her a wink as he walked towards the door. "Spill the tea when you're done cumming."

He coughed into his hand obnoxiously, startling a few of their classmates. "I mean when you can come."

The poor female was hiding her face in her hands, cursing the day Nishinoya was brought into this world. It only took a few minutes for the rest of the class to disperse, leaving her alone with the copper-eyed man.

Kuroo sensei was shuffling their work into a pile, putting it aside as he chuckled deeply. "You can come closer you know? You don't have to sit all the way back there. I don't bite" he mused, a teasing grin gracing his lips.

"At least not me, but I can't say the same for Tendou or Terushima."

(Y/N) got up from her seat at the back, slowly making her way to the front row whilst warily looking around. "I want to know what's going on."

The corners of his lips quirked upwards. The ravenette rolled up his sleeves, exposing his strong forearms that had veins elegantly running beneath the golden skin. "Sakusa and Akaashi will definitely enjoy their time with you, straight to the point aren't we?"

More names and questions swirled in her mind, a frenzied tornado that was causing havoc. "I see no point in jumping around it. It's been a weird few days for me and I want to know why."

Kuroo smirked devilishly at this, walking around his desk to the front, he casually leant backwards. He crossed his arms and legs, looking down at (Y/N). "You see, we have a little bet going on between us teachers. It's pretty simple and straightforward; who can fuck you best."

All breath was knocked out of her lungs, especially since there was no hint or trace of a joke in the man's expression or posture. As if he just spontaneously proposed a holiday trip to the Bahamas.

(Y/N) swallowed, dropping her stare to the table. Still attempting to come into terms of what she just heard, her voice trembled as she spoke. "Isn't that highly inappropriate? And why me?"

Kuroo's shoulders shook with silent laughter, running his tongue along his teeth, he smoothly approached the table, placing his palms flat down on the solid surface and leaning over the girl's seated body. "Unfortunately that's something I cannot answer however if you really want to know, you're gonna have to ask Tsukishima about that one."

Eyes growing wide, her breathing became a little heavier since his body was close enough for her to smell his cologne. "Why would you make such a bet?"

Shrugging his broad shoulders, he shook his head. "I didn't come up with it but..." he paused, using two of his fingers to raise her chin as he lowered his head slowly. Kuroo's breath washed over her face, caressing her cheeks and making her eyelashes flutter. "...I'm not about to lose, kitten."

(Y/N) voice was small, unable to tear her eyes away from those bronze ones that stared hotly into hers. "What do you get out of this?"

Kuroo's voice dropped huskily, thumb softly running along her jaw. "Money. A shit ton of money."

She swallowed heavily.

"But also to have some fun with you."

His grin looked more predatory, a jaguar hungrily staring down at her as if she was his prey. One of his fingers snagged (Y/N)'s bottom lip, gently pulling down to part her lips as she sat frozen. "And you know what's the best part?" he whispered.

The girl shook her head, too mesmerized by the intoxication that was her Chemistry teacher. "What?" she mumbled, heart pounding in her ears.

"The best part is that we all know that if it came down to it - you wouldn't refuse us."

His words made her sharply inhale, heat flooded her system as her mind split itself into two, conflict arising which became evident from the way her facial expression changed. "You're wrong sensei. This is wrong."

Kuroo smiled coolly. "You should stop lying to yourself."

"Because why else would you pull up your skirt and tighten your shirt? I could see your panties all the way from the back" he purred lowly, swallowing the gasp that left her mouth. "I do not tolerate lying."

Kuroo pulled away, dropping his hand as he looked behind him to glance at the clock. "Break ends in 15 minutes. Let's see if I'll be able to change your mind."

(Y/N) couldn't form a single coherent sentence, too dumbstruck by the words that so simply spilled from the man's plump lips. "I should get going" she stammered, grabbing her bag and standing up - with every intent of leaving the stifling room that was making her emotions run rampant.

But he wasn't going to let her go so easily.

Kuroo's hand reached out to wrap around her arm as she passed him by, tugging her body until it crashed into his. "Going so soon? I'm pretty sure there's something I need to teach you in the limited time that we have."

One look at the clock on the wall and a leer was sliding across his mouth. "Make that 14 minutes."

"Now sit down on my chair and be a good kitten" he ordered gruffly, pushing the girl in the direction of his chair. His fingers ran through his messy inky tresses, bottom lip catching between his teeth.

"I can't wait to taste you pussycat."

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