Old friends and new

Start from the beginning

"I was basically on the verge of Chakra depletion when I got here." Naruto grimaced but didn't look too shocked. "And lucky for us the first complication has happened already..." Shikamaru paused as he saw the clearly empty long sleeved shirt.

"Naruto." Shikamaru said in a hushed tone. Naruto nodded, "let's focus on Sasuke first." Shikamaru grimaced, he wanted to deal with this issue now, but Naruto is right.

"Well... I suppose the second complication, is that my dad is most likely already suspicious." Naruto frowned but nodded, "He's a war torn Shinobi that's trusted with basically every document the Hokage owns, he will recognize chakra exhaustion like the back of his own hand."

Shikamaru nodded, "I'm already trying to build a story, I told Ino and Choji I was training, and that you saw me doing it." Naruto raised an eyebrow, "Shikamaru and training don't mix." Shikamaru grunted out a fake laugh before shaking his head.

"Well under these conditions they just might have to." Shikamaru scratched the top of his head, his eyes slightly lingering towards the Anbu stationed in the tree. Naruto nodded, already know what Shikamaru was bound to ask.

Shikamaru frowned, despite the silent conversation, they both knew the lingering question that floated around the two, "Just how were they going to lose the Anbu without creating suspicion?"

A valid question and one they will discuss when the three of them are together and preferably alone.

Naruto remembers getting them off his tail a couple of times, he just needs to remember how.

Sasuke managed to slip out the door, the front door. Not the window, he was actually caught half way through. Fortunately for him it was by his mother, and he was able to play it off as playing ninja. His younger self was obsessed with being a ninja so his mother bought it pretty easily. He was scolded, luckily not to harshly, or in other words it didn't last to long, and she didn't seem to notice his empty sleeve.

The later they notice the better but, his mother and brother may overlook it but his father won't. So the further he can stretch seeing his father the better. But there is a massive chance if he can't find a way to skip dinner he might just see his father later today.

Or he just doesn't come back, while not the greatest idea, it's an idea.

Before he left he grabbed a small simple cloth blanket and wrapped it around his body, earning him some strange looks from people he walked by.

But to any other person it looks like he's just pretending to wear a cape.

He's certainly glad that being a child comes with the privilege of being able to act childish, even if he's the child of a prestigious clan head. Sasuke kept his face directed to the ground, avoiding rocks and random twigs.

He could always use a henge, but the moment any Uchiha used their sharingan he'd be done for, not to mention a byakugan.

Sasuke with his eyebrows furrowed, stopped in place. Bringing his hand to his head, he grunted as his senses flooded with chakra signatures, all of them he didn't recognize, most likely because he was to far away from the center part of the village.

"I don't remember being able to do this unconsciously..." Sasuke said under a long sigh. The time traveling jutsu must have had a part in the sudden sensory abilities. He turned his head from side to side finding that he was in a rather desolate street, save for the occasional person passing by a window in their homes.

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