Unit B: Subsection 28

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Much to his displeasure, as it was proven, Louis took Niall's advice. He was laying in his bed, the bed sheet lazily thrown over him. The heat of another person's body was clearly felt.

He decided to face the origin of the heat source and, as expected, his eyes landed on a very much naked guy sleeping on his bed. He remembers the date (not that it had gone great) and he remembers the sexual part, too. The thing is, it was nothing fascinating enough to keep him interested. He couldn't find life and love in the way Harry had managed to embody it.

But no more Harry. Right. Louis promised to himself that he would refuse to be fate's bitch. If the universe is as kind as they say, everything will work out for him.

Louis had to get rid of the lad quite fast, knowing Liam will be over any time to help him carry the last boxes to his new apartment. Most of the furniture would stay here as they were, Louis had chosen to transfer only the ones he was deeply attached to.

("My name's Henry." "So, what?" "You were moaning the wrong name last night. Thought I'd clarify it's 'Henry' and not 'Harry'.")

Embarrassing how Louis' mind was still stuck up on the imaginary persona of Harry. So stuck up that he felt as if he cheated.

Louis paced around his apartment as he waited for Liam to arrive. Liam was constantly at his house, always on Louis' ass, where was he now?

Eventually he came over and Louis offered him a very serious stare.

"Even Niall would've made it sooner," he commented.

Liam ignored his brother and left the door open on his way in. The last of boxes were stacked one above the other right next to the door so it'll be more convenient to carry.

As they worked their way up and down the apartment, using the stairs when they were too lazy to wait for the elevator, Louis noticed Mrs. Eugenie looking at them, even offering to help. Louis kindly declined the offer, not wanting to tire the elder woman.

As he locked the door for the last time, he felt eyes on him. Louis walked over to his neighbor, shaking his head hello as he greeted.

"This was it?" she asked.

"I'm afraid so," Louis replied, letting the fact that he's leaving sink in.

"I'm excited for you, but sad to see you go," her voice was gentle as she spoke.

"I'll probably be over a lot. My brother Liam will be staying here from now on," Louis informed her.

"Good to hear that, I'd miss you," Mrs. Eugenie replied. "Louis, let me tell you, if I may: Time can either be your ally or enemy, depending on how you play with it. A tricky thing, that is. So just remember, you don't need to chase anything, the right things will catch up to you. Just like time will."

Louis nodded and thanked her as they said their goodbyes.

"My lentil soup will be waiting for you!" she shouted as Louis was making his way down the hallway, facing her just to show his smile as he waved.

* * *

Liam was waiting for him in the car, starting the engine as soon as Louis joined him.

Once they were close to their destination, Liam spoke. "Holy shit!"

"What!? What is it?" Louis practically jumped.

Liam sighed nervously, "Don't hate me, but I forgot the box of clothes back at the apartment."

"You forgot my clothes. I thought you said you double checked and I only had to lock the door."

"Well, why didn't you check, too?"

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