Unit A: Subsection 5

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Louis came out of the shower and got dressed. Liam was sitting on the couch reading his book and sipping his tea. He also put classical music playing, it was a nice atmosphere. He looked up at Louis as he entered the room.

"Hey," Liam said and made room for Louis to join him and sit next to him.

Louis sat next to him and Liam wrapped an arm around him. Louis was wearing an oversized hoodie with the hood over his head. He curled up into a ball next to Liam and rested his head on his brother's chest. Liam left a soft kiss on his forehead. Louis looked at the book's page but didn't read a word.

"Is it good?" Louis asked, referring to the book.

"Mhm," was Liam's response.

Not too long later he took a sip out of his tea and set the book on the table, turning to face Louis. "C'mon," he motioned to his sleeves, it was checking time.

Louis groaned in response.

"You know there's no way out of it, come on," Liam spoke and Louis did as he was told.

Liam checked his legs first and saw it was all good, no sign of recent scars. He then told Louis to roll up his sleeves. Liam never did that by himself, he told Louis to do that so he wouldn't feel uncomfortable. Liam knew it was very difficult for Louis and he was extremely proud of him for letting Liam check on him.


He felt a sudden wave of sadness when he saw Louis' wrists. Louis had hoped Liam wouldn't notice, he hoped the scars would be hidden from all the sketches he had drawn.

Well, Liam noticed.

He didn't say anything just rolled Louis' sleeves back down and took him into a hug. Louis nuzzled against Liam and let his body relax. "It'll be okay," Liam whispered in the softest tone possible and Louis just had to hold back a tear because he didn't believe that.

"Do you want me to make you some tea, as well?" Liam questioned, slightly pulling Louis away.

"No, am just going to lay here if that's okay."

"Of course it is," Liam replied and then got back to his book, one hand used to turn the pages and the other one used to rub circles against Louis' back.

* * *

When Louis woke up in the morning he was in his bed, meaning Liam probably carried him there. He walked to his kitchen first things first and was ready to grab a cigarette and smoke, as he always did in the mornings. He mentally slapped himself in the face, reminding himself that he can't smoke with Liam in the house. He decided to make coffee instead as a substitute.

"Morning," Liam said as he sleepily walked into the kitchen and Louis mumbled a 'morning' back to him. "Coffee, huh? How so?"

"Dunno, just for a change," Louis shrugged.

"Mind pouring me some?" Liam asked and Louis poured some in another cup for him.

They sat there silently drinking their coffee. Louis was doodling on his sketchbook and Liam was checking his emails. Liam started eyeing Louis every now and then and Louis noticed, getting annoyed. "What?" Louis asked.

"Did you take your meds?"

Fuck. Louis totally forgot about them and he was hoping Liam would have forgotten, too, but of fucking course Liam didn't forget. Liam never forgets.

"Yeah, of course I did", Louis lied. "Took 'em before you woke up. I do it as soon as I'm awake so I won't forget." Wow, impressive lies, Louis. And you then you wonder why you're so repellant? Fucking idiotic.

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