Unit A: Subsection 10

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Harry wakes up one hour later, seeing Louis shiver next to him. He puts his clothes on fast and wraps Louis in a blanket carefully as not to wake him up. He brings him back to his apartment and places him on his bed under the warm sheets.

As Harry is tucking Louis in bed his eyes fall on the boy's arms. He stares and rubs his eyes to make sure his vision isn't tricking him. He looks at the beautifully illustrated –and extremely familiar- sketches on his arms. He stares at his own arms and then back at Louis' and he keeps looking back and forth for the next minute. Eventually he decides to investigate further after he's gone back at the rooftop to get what's left.

He puts on sweats and he is about to wear a sweater when Louis mumbles "Am cold". He looks at his sweater and instead of wearing it, he gently puts it on Louis. He grabs another one for himself and slips it on before joining Louis into the bed, sitting on the left side. He softly takes Louis' right hand and raises his sleeve just enough to see the sketches scattered all over it. He raises his own sleeve and examines them, as if he's hoping to spot a difference. He's not convinced it's real, to say the least.

The next time his eyes open, the space next to him is empty. It takes a couple of blinks for him to focus and notice the smaller boy searching the floor in panic and unsuccessfully trying to put on his pants once he finds them.

"Oh, fuck me," Louis curses at his jeans, which he can't seem to be able to put on. Had he not been in a panic state, though, he would've perfectly put them on.

"Louis?" Harry's in a sitting position now. "What happened?" he asks, clearly not understanding Louis' hurry.

"I need to leave."

"But why?"

"This," Louis motions between them, "was a mistake. Shouldn't have happened."

"Wait- what?" Harry's confused. "Why'd you say that?"

"Me and you? Wrong. 100% wrong," is some of the things he hears along with a lot of swearing as Louis rambles.

"There's nothing wrong about the universe's choices," Harry speaks defensibly.

"Universe? Yeah, right. Universe and fate my ass," Louis scoffs. "Don't tell me you believe in those."

Harry's lost, what is Louis even saying? He doesn't believe in soulmates? Who doesn't believe in it? "Of course, I do? Don't act that it didn't feel nice, right even. Felt as if it was meant-"

"Don't you fuckin' dare finish that sentence," Louis threatened. "If somebody was supposed to be that for me, it should've been Zayn. The universe doesn't know shit."

"So, what? You're just gonna neglect love, affection and even sex just because you and your so precious Zayn didn't work out? People learn to move on, Louis. Especially when it feels this right," Harry's now standing up, his blood has started to boil. Is Louis really throwing his soulmate down the trash just because of a past relationship?

"You don't know shit about me, Harry. I've moved on and neither you nor anyone else know what I had to go through to get over him," Louis defends himself. "You barely know me and we've had sex once. Is that how desperate you are?" Louis says and his words feel like poison.

"What the hell, Louis!" Harry shouts. "Not all of us get our ex's dick up the ass on the daily."

"Fine, then," Louis gathers what's left of his stuff and makes his way to Harry's door, Harry following him. "Oh, for the record, I've never regretted something in my life as much as fucking you." And after that he's gone.

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