Unit A: Subsection 7

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When Niall comes over, Harry is still in a weird mood which doesn't get long for Niall to catch up on. After annoying Harry to get him to say what's up, Harry gives in and tells Niall what he saw last night. He instantly regrets it when Niall starts laughing.

"'s not funny, Niall!"

"It's not to you. To me, it's very funny."

"Whatever. You suck," Harry spat out.

"To me, it looks like you're the one doing the sucking," Niall winked.

"I'm going to say this in the nicest possible way: Shut the fuck up."

Niall laughed in response. "For real, though," Niall spoke "how do you feel?"

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you, like, I don't know, have a crush on Louis or something? Like, before Zayn introduced him to us?"

"It's whatever."

"You're allowed to be attracted to him, you know. There's nothin' wrong with that."

"Doesn't feel exactly right either," Harry scratched the back of his head. "Not only 'cause he's doing whatever he's doing with Zayn, but at the same time, that's the guy that made Zayn hit rock bottom. It'd be harsh to act on whatever I had felt."

Harry didn't like the fact that Zayn had this type of contact and, believe it or not, it wasn't because of any selfish reasons. He knew Zayn would end up hurt by the end of it and he didn't want to witness it again. He had voiced his opinion to Zayn before, Zayn knew how Harry felt about it and so he stopped talking about Louis except if the topic was brought up.

"Past tense? Mate, you saw the two of you having sex last night. Pretty sure the attraction's still there," Niall pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah. That doesn't mean anything," Harry wasn't planning on doing something with Louis ever. That'd be straight up embarrassing and shitty of him. He didn't know, though, that not too long later, he would be doing the thing he's avoiding right now.

"What if he's your soulmate? Like imagine that . Fucking sick."

Harry scoffed, "You can joke all you want. The universe is not that cruel anyways."

"But imagine-"

"I don't want to imagine-"

"-that'd be hot. I should email him."

"Email him?" Niall nodded. "What are you going to say? 'Stop doing Zayn, do Harry instead. It'll be hot'?"

"Why not?" Niall shrugged and took out his phone. "Do you think Zayn has his email?"

Harry snatched the phone out of Niall's hands, "You're not asking Zayn and you're not emailing anybody."


Harry shushed him.

Harry didn't mention Samantha to Niall on purpose. He didn't want to face the anger Niall held when she was brought up. Harry knew it would be even worse now, because he considered going back to her and Niall would gladly set Harry on fire for that.

* * *

The following weeks passed smoothly both for Harry and for Louis. Harry had gigs most days of the week and Louis –when he wasn't working on an art project- was there for the most of it. Sad thing is, he wasn't there for Harry.

Harry spots him every single time. He stares at him too much and he tries to pretend it doesn't hurt when Louis doesn't ever stare back at him.

Zayn becomes clingier. Not necessarily 'cause he just wants to be with Louis that bad, but because one day Harry rolled up his sleeves. He rolled up his sleeves and Zayn's eyes immediately fell onto his arms. His throat went dry and he could've sworn his heart stopped beating for a second when he realized Harry had the exact same sketches at the exact same place as Louis. He knew the right thing to do would be to tell them. That's the rational, decent thing to do, right? Well, maybe Zayn wanted to be a little bit selfish, just this once. He didn't tell them. Who'd assure him that, if he did, he wouldn't lose Louis? He wasn't willing to take that risk. He didn't tell them and he let himself enjoy the time he could still be with Louis. If Louis wasn't his now, he sure as hell wouldn't be his when he'd find out that Harry was his soulmate.

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