Unit A: Subsection 8

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Harry excused himself and took Zayn with him, leaving Niall awkwardly alone with Liam and Louis.

"You wanna tell me what the fuck that was about?" Harry said.

"Apparently you're dating Louis," Zayn shrugged.

"Yeah, I caught up on that. Want to tell me why?"

"Liam thinks you two are dating."

"And why is that?" Harry asked, getting impatient.

"Causethat'smycontactnameonLouis'phone," Zayn said all at once, rubbing the back of his head.

"Say again?"

"Louis might or might not have me saved on his phone with your name."

"What?" Harry was confused.

"You know, Liam obviously can't know Louis is talking to me so instead he said... he talks to... you..."

"Oh dear God," Harry rubbed his face with his hands.

"Hey," a soft voice spoke and Harry's eyes snapped towards the person. It was Louis. "I came 'ere to apologize. I know the situation's a mess. I can just tell the truth to Li right now."

Harry sighed. Louis' eyes looked sad and it seemed as if he meant every word coming out of his mouth. "No, I mean-" Harry sighed again "It's whatever, don't worry about it."

"No, I meant what I said. Really. I can just- I can go back and tell Liam, you don't have to go with this. You don't even know me, I get it, it's cool," Louis rambled.

"Louis," Harry paused. "It's whatever. As long as I'm out of it for the most part, say whatever you want to your brother. It's not my business," he said. "And don't worry he won't find out anything from me," Harry looks over at Liam and Niall "or Niall."

"For real though I can-" Louis tried to say, guilt and stress filling his voice.

"It's ok," Harry interrupted. Zayn had stayed silent throughout the whole interaction.

"Do you mind heading back? I don't want my brother getting suspicious or anything."

"Yeah, sure," Harry threw his hands up.

The three of them walked back up to them and much to Harry's surprise Niall seemed unbothered. He just kept keeping up with the conversation with Liam, both looking rather comfortable.

Liam was laughing when he noticed the three of them had been back, "Oh, hey! You're back!" he exclaimed happily. "All good?" He got multiple nods and a 'yeah' as a response and it was more than enough for him to be convinced and keep talking with Niall.

Louis stayed next to Harry the whole night, being as touchy -without crossing any boundaries- as he could. He would rest his hand on Harry's back occasionally and always checked with Harry if it was okay. Harry would just smile in reassurance, but Louis still felt guilty about it.

On his other side he had Zayn, a quite unhappy and uncomfortable Zayn. Zayn wished he was in Harry's position, but he knew he couldn't voice that thought.

Louis had only one or two drinks that night, much to his displeasure, but he had to be sober enough to be sure he wouldn't mess up. It was getting late and he and Liam were about to leave, saying their goodbyes when Liam talked.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to your boyfriend?"

"Who?" Louis asked.

"Your boyfriend. Harry," Liam repeated.

"Yeah, right," Louis said quietly and walked up back to Harry. He leaned in to Harry's ear and whispered a 'sorry'.

"Sorry for wh-"

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