Unit B: Subsection 23

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Louis flushed the toilet and washed his hands before exiting his apartment's bathroom. He rubbed his hand against his nose as he made his way to the door, next to which he had scattered his shoes. He tried putting on his black vans without using his hands, too lazy to bend down and wear them properly.

"Motherf-" he cursed, knowing he'll have to untie and tie his shoelaces 'cause they were too tight to slip them on.

Liam popped his head out from the guest room. "Hey, got a minute?" he asked.

Louis sighed as he bent down to grab his shoes and made his way to the nearest chair. "Sure, what's up?" He was seated on the chair, a shoe in hand.

"Are you in the mood to talk finance?" Liam walked over, arms crossed.

"No," Louis muttered his breath as he slipped a shoe on and proceeded to retie it. "Shoot," he spoke up, enthusiasm nowhere near his voice.

"What are your plans?" Liam asked, the question oddly non-specific.

"My plans?" he glared at Liam. "Putting my shoes on," Louis added sarcastically.

Liam scoffed, "Funny," he said and was followed by Louis' "Always."

"Obviously things have been going surprisingly well. Sales, exhibition..."

"What's your point, Liam?" Louis, with shoes put on, was pretty done. He was grumpy and all he wanted was to meet Niall and buy that damn piano.

"No need to get snappy over there," Liam spoke defensibly. "You're getting the piano, that's a way to spend money. What else are you planning on doing?"

"Uh... getting tah-oos?"

"Aren't you moving out?" Liam asked.

Louis turned to look at him as he grabbed his keys. "Most likely," a smirk had now formed on his face. "What ya got in your mind?"

"I was just... I was just wondering..." Louis raised an eyebrow. "Like... you own this place right? What will you do with it?"

Louis opened his mouth smiling, "It's yours if you want it, Liam."

"Are you sure-"

"Yeah, I'm sure. You're my brother, you'll have no rent to pay. All settled."

"Thanks!" Liam exclaimed when Louis was already out the door.

* * *

Louis was scrolling through his phone, his back lazily pressed against the wall as he waited for his Irish friend to appear.


"Oi, oi!" Louis shouted and took his eyes off his phone which he pocketed.

Niall brought him into a hug once he reached him. "You're late 15 solid minutes, mate," Louis pointed out.

"This is how you make an appearance as a celebrity," Niall remarked.

"Yeah," Louis scoffed. "I seem to keep forgetting about that part, really."

Niall lightly hit him at the back of his head and they entered the store, cool air due to the air conditioning hitting them once they stepped a foot inside.

It was quiet, only a few mumbling sounds making it to their ears from potential buyers of the music instruments.

Niall started walking and Louis followed right behind. "Aren't we supposed to wait for someone?" asked Louis.

"Nah, I know the place by heart," Niall replied. "There you go," he said once they walked in the room further inside.

It was full of pianos of all types, each corner of the room dedicate to one. "You want a grand piano? Grand pianos are so cool. Dunno if you'll have enough space for that though. My friend has one in his place. It's so sick. Or you can get a baby grand! Those are equally pretty and sooo cute!" Niall rambled excitedly.

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