Unit A: Subsection 12

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It was early in the morning and Gina had just prepared breakfast for her sons. She made her way to their bedroom and opened the door slightly. She walked up to Louis' bed first, caressing his cheek as she told him to get up so he wouldn't miss school. She raised the blinds and went over to Liam, who was pretending to be sleeping. The toddler whined when the sunlight entered their dark room and their mother just nudged them to wake up.

She noticed Louis not being responsive and decided to check up on him, pressing her soft hand against his forehead.

"Sweetie, you're burning. Are you alright?" she asked worriedly and her son shivering was enough for a response.

Not ten minutes later she had taken his temperature and confirmed he had a fever. She told him he would be skipping school to stay in bed until he got better.

The next day, Liam was also sick or, at least, he appeared to be.

The boys weren't old enough to comprehend certain things, but that did not mean they were foolish. Liam faked being sick that day (and the next couple of days) to keep Louis company. Their parents were both going to work and her aunt was taking care of them. Well, she was trying to.

Louis was on his bed, curled up in the tiniest ball when Liam joined him. Louis gave his brother a questioning look. Had he stayed with Louis, he would get sick, too.

Liam just laid on the bed, ignoring Louis' unsaid question. Louis nudged him and gave him the same look.

He didn't speak to Liam. Actually, he didn't speak at all. His parents' passing and his adoption felt like a blur, happened a bit too fast for a kid his age. Ever since the Paynes took him in, he hadn't spoken a word. He didn't dislike them, he was just still in shock. His adoptive parents had gone around and asked for expert advice. They were told such cases are normal to occur and they should be patient and give him his time and space to start speaking by himself.

Liam didn't ignore the question a second time, "Just because you're all alone, doesn't mean you have to be."

"He actually said that?" asked Harry.

"Yeah, he did. Fuckin' sap," Louis laughed it off.

They were in Harry's bed; Louis' feet near the head of the bed, but his face next to Harry's, and Harry's feet almost hanging from the end of the bed.

"Wait- you said you shared a room with Liam," Harry said staring at the ceiling and Louis responded with 'mhm'. "Then what happened when you were seeing someone? Liam must have had girlfriends, what'd he do with them?"

Louis burst into laughter out of the blue. "If you wanna ask abou' Zayn, just ask."

"I didn't want to-"

"Yeah, yeah, am sure," Louis laughed and Harry took his time looking at him as he did so.

"Creep," Louis said when he noticed Harry's eyes on him, leaning closer.

Harry closed the gap between them and sealed their lips together. Louis tasted Harry's soft lips, letting his tongue smoothly lick them. Harry opened his mouth, letting Louis' tongue slip in. Louis' hand was in Harry's hair, his fingers running swiftly in it until he pulled it suddenly, a moan escaping Harry's mouth.

"If you pull my hair again, things are going to get pretty awkward pretty fast," Harry breathed out after he pulled away from the kiss.

Louis smiled against Harry's lips as he pulled him in again for a quick kiss, "Oh? Good to know, love."

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