Unit A: Subsection 14

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Five Mondays later, Louis was pretending to be asleep as Harry was desperately trying to wake him up before Niall got there. All Louis did was whine and say 'five more minutes' as he buried his head under the pillow.

"Come on, Louis! You have to get up, you're going to be late," said Harry.

"Shush, quiet. I'm sleeping," Louis' words were followed by a fake snore.

"Louis!" Harry exclaimed. "I'm taking drastic measures."

"What are you gonna do? Tickle me?" Louis mocked.

Harry paused, considering the idea. "Nice suggestion," he said and proceeded to tickle Louis.

Louis was half bare, wearing only sweatpants and immediately reached for the covers to guard himself from Harry's tickle-attack. Louis tried telling Harry to stop multiple times, only to realize that it was pointless to do so. Harry eventually stopped, his body on top of Louis' and his hair falling past his shoulders, touching Louis' face as he moved closer.

There was a big smile plastered on Louis' face that only made Harry smile wider, his dimples clearly visible. He leaned forward placing his lips on top of Louis' nose. Louis just fondly stared at him capturing every single facial feature of Harry's and knowing these images will stay with him forever, even when Harry leaves.

Zayn's words were ringing into his ears. Harry brushed his cheek against Louis' and shut his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling. Louis was enjoying this, too, maybe more than he would like to admit. Louis being Louis, though, had to break the moment.

"Am still sleeping, your methods obviously don't work," Louis said and pretended to be asleep as Harry lifted his weight off of him.

Harry took a look at him and smirked, his eyes twinkling. "My methods are not working, huh?" Louis didn't respond, keeping his act up. "I know something that can, and will definitely, wake you up."

As a product of being intrigued, Louis slightly opened his eyes to get a glimpse of what Harry was doing and proceeded to shut them once again, wrongly believing Harry hadn't noticed.

Harry's breath was on his neck and Louis knew what was about to follow. Harry's mouth moved and was next to his ear, the unexpected words –lyrics to be exact- escaping it.

Take you like a

Harry placed his mouth on Louis' collarbone and left a kiss there.


A taste

He was trailing kisses along Louis' collarbone.


He reached the middle of Louis' chest as kept singing the lyrics in between kisses.

On my

He had now made it to Louis' stomach.

Tongue .

He licked a line from the bottom of his stomach to his chest. Louis was definitely awake. Another part of Louis was, too.

You ask me what I'm thinking about.

Harry whispered the lyrics in Louis' ears as he brushed his cheek against him.

I tell you that I'm thinking about.

He was now facing Louis, his hand running down Louis' body.

Whatever you're thinking about.

Louis attacked Harry's lips and kissed him hungrily. The kiss became rough and eager. Louis was craving it and so was Harry.

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