Unit A: Subsection 2

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It was now almost two weeks later, Zayn had stayed the night again and he left before Louis woke up in the morning.

It was a rule they set when they started this, Zayn would leave whenever he wanted, as long as he left before Louis woke up in the morning. They set that so there would still be no strings attached and in order to keep the 'friends with benefits' thing up without going down the dating road.

They'd rarely speak throughout the day or on a daily basis and when they had scheduled, Zayn would come over for a fuck. Nothing more. Those past two weeks, though, Zayn was there every night and it didn't bug Louis. He was okay with it and he kind of liked the company, especially since Liam wasn't able to visit him (which –let me tell you- Liam was constantly apologizing for).

It was daytime and Zayn was unwrapping himself from Louis and getting up to gather his clothes, put them on and leave. Zayn's routine these past weeks was pretty much the same. After staying the night at Louis' he always dropped off to a friend nearby.

He exits the apartment and makes his way downstairs not using the elevator. He stopped at the floor beneath Louis' and went to the familiar apartment. He knocked on the door thrice before it opened, revealing one of his friends, Harry.

Zayn had panicked a little bit when Louis moved in the building because Louis didn't know about Harry and Harry didn't know about Louis.

Actually, Harry knew about Zayn's ex, but Zayn never told him his name so therefore all the information Harry had was about a man Zayn would describe as "fucking perfect" that he was forced to abandon. Harry never pressed the topic about Zayn's ex and long after the break up and after Zayn got over it, it was forgotten. Zayn was back to Louis now and he couldn't tell the boys. They knew how impossible it was for him to get over Louis, so telling them he sort of went back to him wasn't a perfect idea. All they knew was that Zayn was currently seeing somebody and he was being quite secretive about it. Therefore, it was totally reasonable for him to have a mini freak out when Louis moved one floor away from Harry.

When Louis would call Zayn to come over at night, Zayn would go to Harry's at first, hang out with him and later leave to go meet with Louis. Louis just always thought Zayn had a perfect sense of time and that was why he was constantly on time, not a minute later. He didn't know Zayn was literally downstairs. He also didn't know Zayn was friends with the handsome boy he met the first day he moved there.

"Good morning, Z," Harry said with a big smile on his face.

Zayn was still a little bit sleepy, it was too early anyway. "Good morning," he said, a yawn escaping his mouth along with his words.

Zayn stepped in and Harry closed the door behind him.

"Rough night?" Harry said, a smirk on his face because he knew what Zayn was doing last night.

"Very funny," Zayn replied as he plopped down on the couch. Harry took a sip out of his coffee, trying to hide his smirk and then turned to the kitchen to make some for Zayn, as well.

That's how it worked. Zayn knocked on Harry's door in the mornings, maybe he would nap on the couch if he was actually too tired, Harry would make coffee for him and afterwards they'd talk. Sometimes Niall would come over too and bring some breakfast with him.

"Here you go," Harry extended his hand to give his friend the warm cup of coffee.

"Thanks, mate," Zayn took a sip and let a tiny 'mmm' sound as he did, enjoying the taste. "You got that gig tonight, right?"

"Yeah, I'm supposed to be there by seven but it starts at nine," Harry replied.

Harry has been into music a long time now. Before music, he attempted to do theatre but soon realized it wasn't for him. He kept contact with his theatre-friends but he didn't stop looking for something that would actually help him express himself and would get himself lost in. It came out of nowhere when it hit him that he wants to do music. Harry used music to escape and it was his creative outlet.

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