"I see you finally got a job," he spoke with a bitter sarcastic tone. I still couldn't look elsewhere that wasn't the floor, almost as if his presence was bounding me in that submissive state "How much are you making?" he asked, now with complete seriousness. I was about to speak, but my voice broke and nothing came out for a long second. 

"U-uh 3 dollars an hour" I answered as I could. 

"I meant per month, you dimwit" he sighed, and I trembled some more, embarrassed. 

"I work 6 hours a day... that makes 18. And I work 6 days a week so that's... that's..." I hesitated, and he sighed.

"108$. 432 per month. You can't even make simple maths..." 

"I—" I flushed, embarrassed and bothered "You didn't let me continue my studies" I finally managed to grab the courage to look at him driven by the resentment I had. 

"So you use that as an excuse to remain ignorant" he said, making me mute and bite my lip from how much of a mix of emotions I was feeling "That's why you and your sister are so different. I still can't understand how you can be my and your mother's..." he started, but didn't finish the sentence and instead just sighed "Anyway," he continued after slightly clearing his throat "Now that you have a job I won't be paying for your expenses anymore" 

"W-what?" his words managed to give me back my voice. But he only sighed louder and more impatient. 

"I forgot how dense you are," he said, bringing his hand to his forehead "I won't be paying for your flat anymore. You've proven that you are a capable woman now and are able to earn your own money. Even if it's with flowers..." he added the last part looking around the place and plants with slight dislike.

"But the flat's 600, and the food... I—" I started saying, rushing with a breaking voice. 

"Stop begging, it's embarrassing"

"But what about Alys?" I answered back, quickly rubbing one eye that was about to spill a tear "She earns more and you keep helping—"

"You two are different people, don't bring her into this"

As soon as he said that I couldn't help but start working on a bouquet without even daring to look up from the flowers. I didn't want to accept his words, it burned me. The injustice, the roughness and apathy he had. But I was used to it, and I knew it would only be worse if I were to answer back. No matter how painful it was to remain silent. And in reality, I had become so used to keeping my feelings and opinions shut that my body had it difficult to even imagine talking up to him. 

"What are you celebrating?" I couldn't help but ask though. After all, he still was my family and part of me was curious. 

"Isn't your job to just sell flowers? Or is it prodding in your client's life part of it too?" he said roughly, making me feel small yet again. 

"I-I'm sorry" I immediately regretted talking, shutting up quickly, and trying not to tremble too much from how tense I was. 

"Your sister's getting promoted" he answered my question anyway after some time, allowing me to somewhat relax "I'm taking her to dinner to celebrate" Once again I felt a small pinch on my heart. But somehow it didn't surprise me, which only made it weirdly sad. 

"Here, that'll be 40," I said, giving him his bouquet. He handed me the exact amount and left without saying anything else. 

And just as his figure disappeared behind that door I felt a weight being lifted off my chest. Yet weirdly enough, it didn't make me feel any better. On the contrary, it was as if now that he wasn't there, that there wasn't anyone there, the emotions I had been keeping to myself so that I didn't look 'embarrassing' to my father were surfacing all at once. 

I had to bite my lip as I felt it tremble, but the agony in my chest only became bigger and the stinging feeling in my eyes increased. Tears started running down my cheeks and I quickly tried to dry them off, knowing that someone could come in at any moment.

Seeing my father was never good. He always had something bad to say, some critique or comment. And his good relationship with my older sister wasn't a secret either. It wasn't surprising, but it always hurt me no matter how used to it I was. After all, I was all alone.

Family is supposed to be there, for good and for bad, for when you have no one, or nothing good. And even though I had friends, they had their own lives to attend to. That's when a normal family would play its part, they would comfort you, give you their time and affection. Mine didn't. Mine just left me alone.

But even then, that wasn't what bothered me the most, what triggered my tears. It was the fact of knowing that once again, I wouldn't have enough money to live on. No, it was worse, because before, with my father's money, I could at least have a small old apartment. But now I wouldn't be able to have that even with the flower shop money. 

"Hey (Y/n)," my boss, Mrs. Yamanaka, said, coming out from the inside of the shop which was as well their home. I quickly dried my tears, sniffed hard, and blinked a few times, trying to look busy while I tried to avoid her gaze. Or more like avoid her gazing at me "We have an order arriving in a couple of hours, do you think you can handle it yourself?" she asked me. I swallowed and cleared my throat, praying that my voice didn't break. 

"Of course!" I said, sounding cheery. But a small unconscious sniffle made its way before I could shut my mouth. 

"Are you alright?" she asked, sounding genuinely concerned. But in my mind, I could only scream wishing that she didn't ask me anything so I wouldn't betray myself by speaking. 

"Yep!" I answered as shortly as I could. 

But I guess it only seemed even more strange for her as a gentle hand was laid over my shoulder, making me jump. It was then that she realized my reddened cheeks and still trembling chest. She gasped at the sight and her face changed to a frown, now looking deeply worried. 

"(Y/n) darling, what happened?" she asked. And something about her genuine tone only made it more difficult not to start crying again. I dried my tears and tried to smile. 

"A family member dropped by and—" I began, but I really didn't want to say the truth or tell her anything. Even if she had always been nice to me and we had grown fond of each other with time. And even if she sometimes treated me like her daughter, it still wasn't something I felt like telling people. Especially adults because they wouldn't understand. 'A parent's love is unconditional' they always said. It is, but sometimes not in the way it should "we're having money and family problems... But I'll be fine" I said instead, trying to smile once again. She continued to rub my shoulder in an affectionate manner. 

"I'm sorry to hear that, you know you can tell me anything if you need to. In fact, why don't you take the day off? And it's on me, don't worry. It will do you good to distract yourself" she smiled optimistically. 

'Distract me with what. I have nothing' I thought, my forced smile breaking slightly. 

"It's alright, working will help me as much"

She looked at me, skeptical, but she didn't say anything and let me be. 

Alone together [Kakashi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now