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Theo nodded. "Fair enough. Plus, it makes us a ton of money."

Ranboo snorted, shoving him lightly. "Don't say that, people will think you're just in it for the money!"

"Who says I'm not?" Theo asked. He paused, then looked at the camera. "That was a joke. Please don't cancel me."

"Too late. I hate you now," Tubbo said. Theo rolled his eyes, glancing at the screen again.

"Join the club," he muttered, sparking a concerned noise from Ranboo. Theo waved him away. "Boundaries update for Theo since Ranboo and Tubbo already did theirs? Yeah! So, obviously no NSFW shit about me, I'm a minor and it's just fuckin' weird, no hate to the NSFW community, of course, it's just not for me personally. Um, profile pictures of me looking like this — you know, IRL photos where my face isn't shown — are completely fine. Uhh, if you hear my friends call me a nickname, it doesn't give you permission to use it, stick with Theo or Theden, no in-between. And lastly don't contact me asking to be put into contact with Techno, it's just rude," he listed.

"People actually ask you to talk to Techno for them?" Ranboo asked.

"I've had other streamers ask me to put them in contact with you," Theo said dryly. "My block list is a mile long and I've probably been canceled by them, but I really don't care."

"Do you know how many streamers have DM'd me asking if I could talk to Tommy for them so he'll answer their messages? It's embarrassing," Tubbo added. Theo nodded.

"Huh. I'm glad I haven't had that happen to me," Ranboo mused.

"Only a matter of time, Big Man," Tubbo said, leaning forward to look at the next donation. "What cartoon character do you wish was real? I'm currently doing a series on TikTok where I draw my favorite streamers as their favorite cartoon characters! Oh, that's interesting," Tubbo commented, sitting back in thought.

"Mine is probably Dipper Pines," Ranboo spoke up. "I really enjoy Gravity Falls, it's my favorite cartoon, and I think it would be interesting to be able to go on adventures like he did."

Theo nodded. "Nice, nice. Mine is, uh, Michael Harrison from the game Choices. Specifically High School Story. He's hot, sorry, no I won't elaborate," Theo said, a faint blush overtaking his features. Tubbo snickered at him.

"Uh, mine is Tweek from South Park, obviously," Tubbo said. Theo rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, the fanartists have really upped your character's design," he said. "Otherwise they'd just be making South Park fanart."

"Oi, it's a good show!" Tubbo defended.

"Meh. Never was a fan," Theo dismissed. Tubbo gasped in offense, but the sound was covered up by Theo reading the next question. "Thoughts on beans? Hate 'em. All types."

"You're picky," Ranboo noted.

Theo shrugged. "It's mostly just the texture honestly. It's like that with most foods for me! I can't eat hamburgers or sausage, but I love bacon. It's all about the texture more than the taste," he explained, shrugging. He pushed the glasses up further onto his nose so they didn't end up falling off.

"What a sad life you live," Tubbo teased, though Theo knew it wasn't inherently malicious. If Theo felt hurt, he would just talk with Tubbo after the stream about boundaries. "Can't have beans on toast."

"Thank God," Ranboo and Theo spoke at the same time. Theo grinned, ignoring Tubbo's noise of offense.

Theo decided to read chat for a moment while waiting for the next donation to pop up. "Hi, Theo! Can you say hi to Katie and happy birthday to Jen? Of course! Hello Katie and happy birthday to Jen!" he said. Normally he would ignore such donations and comment that he didn't do individual shoutouts, but he felt like it would be rude if he didn't say hi now that he'd read the message out loud.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄. ranboo (complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora