Chapter One - The Escape

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Quick A/N: I know the Crying Child has different names but I've heard him go by Evan the most so that's the name I'll be using for him!

TW: this book contains mentions of abuse and neglect. Also contains cussing

Third POV

There was about a week before Evan's birthday, which he would have loved if it hadn't been held at the place he feared the most. Seeing the animatronics there were terrifying for him, even thinking about them he would get nervous. The nightmares he would have of them didn't help either.

Evan was up late again, hugging his Golden Freddy plush close with one arm while the other held a flashlight. Through the wall he could hear his father yelling in frustration about something, maybe Micheal had gotten in trouble again at school or maybe the animatronics weren't working how he wanted them to. Still, the man's anger scared Evan.

"It's gonna be okay," Evan whispered to himself, tearing up as he hid under his blanket as a way to protect himself from the noise.

In the next room Micheal was quickly packing his bags, shoving as many of his things he could into his two backpacks. As a teenager he often thought about the day he'd be free from his father's household, and he looked forward to that day he would be able to step out of this house and never come back. But two years was too long for him to wait, he need to get out now.

Of course Micheal couldn't leave Evan alone with the man they called their father, especially after realizing how William was manipulating Evan into being terrified of the animatronics he had made. Once Micheal had all of things packed, he made sure he had what he needed; like his wallet with all of the money he's been collecting for the past few months and his driver's license he'd just barely gotten.

"Next step, get Evan." Micheal mumbled to himself as he snuck over to his little brothers room, stopping for a moment to look at his sister's old room. If he had only been quicker to think of this plan maybe she would still be alive and away from their father. Shaking off the thought, he walked into Evans room to the scared child's bed.

"Psst, Evan," Micheal poked him, "get up, we're leaving."

Hesitantly, Evan pulled the blanket down from over his head and stared at his older brother with teary eyes, "why?"

"Because I said so, get your things fast so we can leave." How was Micheal supposed to explain the situation they were in? He couldn't just tell his little brother that he was pretty sure their father had to do something with their sisters death and his horrible nightmares.

With a quiet nod Evan got up and packed up a backpack. He got what he would need, whish was mainly clothes, but he managed to put his plushies in there as well.

"Can you go any slower?" Micheal whispered harshly before zipping up Evans bag and putting it on the child's shoulders.

"Let's go now"

Evan held Michael's hand as they quietly walked to the kitchen so Micheal could steal the keys to his father's car. He tried to remove the cat key from the keychain as quietly as possible while also rushing, which led him to dropping the keys.

"Shit." Micheal winced at the sound then grabbed the car key and ran to the driveway with his brother following confused and scared.

His brother wasn't the only one following, William had heard the keys fall and ran over yelling, "MICHEAL AFTON!!"

"Shit shit shit shit." Micheal cursed under his breath as he turned the ignition to start the car which hadn't worked on the first try or the second. "Evan lock the doors, LOCK THE FUCKING DOORS"

"Stop yelling" Evan cried before pressing the button to lock the doors to the car, just as his father slammed his fists on the window.

"Even you open these doors right now or I swear to fucking God I'll kill you." William glared at his child, who was crying harder than he had ever done before and shaking with more fear than ever.

"Ha! Third time's a charm!" Micheal laughed in relief as the car started, he looked over to William and put up his middle finger before driving away.

"See you in Hell."

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