chapter 22: could you ever forgive me

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When Koven and i got back to the cars, we seen my men that had taken Tarin away leaning around on a car. When they heard us approach they pulled out their guns and now had them pointed at us.

Koven- " calm down guys it's just us."

One of my men walked up to me and informed me that they had to put her to sleep because she was over crying and they weren't to sure if that much crying was safe for her health. I nodded at him understanding what he was say and gave my thanks as they all went off.

Koven-" make it right with her, I'll also be taking my leave. I'll pass by tomorrow to see how she's doing.
He leaned over into the car and placed a gentle kiss to her forehead, i was about to punch him in the face before i heard him whisper " keep safe little one, i can't afford to lose you my sister."

When he looked up his eyes were glossy from unshed tears that he was trying to hold back. He cleared his throat..

Koven-" hurt her again and I'll have no choice but to pick her side and take her away from you."

I looked at him and i could see how much he cared for her and for that i really appreciate it.

" I could never allow myself that pain of ever hurting her again."


When we got back to the house Tarin was still asleep so i picked her up and gently carried her to my room. As soon as i layer her head on the pillow she started to stir and those beautiful eyes that i have grown so attached to opened up. However as per usual as soon as she seen me i could see her visibly stiffen up and she quickly jumped up to a sitting position with her head lowered. She started to move backwards trying to get away from me. Her eyes searching the room, the fear in her eyes and her trembling lips visible to anyone. I couldn't control myself i moved my hand up to stroke her cheek to try and comfort her but she flinched away and her eyes closed tightly, i quickly brought my hands away from her, showing her i surrender and wasn't going to touch her. My heart was so sore that the one i love the most feared me more then anyone i knew.

Tarin-" p....p..please don't h..hurt me, i shouldn't o..of ran. I'm s..sorry i ran and still got in trouble a..and you had to c..come and save me. P..please don't be ma..."

I did not allow her to finish her sentence because before she knew what was happening i pulled her into my arms and held onto her tightly so she couldn't pull away. I could feel how terrified she was about this and I don't blame her, i made her think this way about me. But i wouldn't let her go not this time, not again. I could feel the beating of her heart and her fast breathing increasing with ever ticking moment.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Tarin. I don't deserve you, i seriously do not deserve a woman thats as perfect as you. I destroy everything i touch, i know how I've hurt you and i know you fear me more then anyone else, but please Tarin please don't leave me. I Tarin i dont know what I'd do if you walked out on me Tarin. Please listen i have, I'm in love with you Tarin." I felt her stiffen when i confessed my feelings for her, then she started to push away from me, but I wasn't allowing her, instead i held onto even tighter.

When she stopped putting up a struggle i let her go but only enough for me to see her, however now she was looking down and wouldn't look me in the eyes. I lifted her head, her teary eyes met mine.

"Please don't cry anymore." I wiped the tears from her wet cheeks. Her eyes slowly lifted to look into mine. All i could see was all the hurt she's gone through, also the fear. Her eyes searching mine waiting for me to do or say something hurtful to her, she was waiting for me to do my usual cold hearted things to her. I could see that she did not believe a word i was saying and why would she especially after all i did to her. I wanted to prove to her that this time i meant every word i spoke, i didn't want to the reason behind her sorrow or pain anymore. I wanted to mend what I'd broken and show her life and more then anything show her love, show her that she was mine. I want to love her and most importantly i want her to love me again.

"One last shot that's all i ask for, just give me this one chance and if you don't feel what i want to show you, I promise you i won't stop you from leaving. I will let you go. I ask for just a chance to change for you Tarin?" I ran my thumb up and down her wet cheek, looking into her eyes. I seen her gulp and her eyes lifted to the roof, she closed her eyes before looking back at me. She does that alot now that i think of it.

Tarin-"  p...p.... please don't be doing or saying this only to hurt me, i already gave you all i have and you got all you could take. Why would want me." She was still crying and her voice was breaking because of the tears. Then it all clicked, her voice. She...she could talk, she was talk....

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