Chapter two: Proposal

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Dante prov

So here we are sitting and eating, no one saying a word but i already knew something was about to happen, i could feel the tension in the air it was so bad i felt like i could cut it with a knife.

I was sitting across from that girl, their daughter or niece. But i noticed that when she turned to get the rice, she had a nasty bruise on her shoulder and from what i could see it looked like it hurt quite bad.

She must have felt my stare on her because she turned up to look at me. 'When her eyes connected with me i could see pain in her eyes, why would she have pain in her eyes. Something doesn't add up here,'i was brought out of my thoughts when she lifted the sleeve of her jersey to hide the bruising and then her eyes fell to her plate of food which she had hardly eaten from.

Andrew- " well then shall we get down to the business at hand?"

Andrew gave everyone around the dinner table his professional business look, i glared right back at him. What is this old man talking about, what business at hand. This was meant to just be a stupid dinner. My mother tured to look at me and she had a huge smile plastered on her face, one conclusion came to my mind when she did that it was that, whatever deal Andrew spoke of she had to be somehow involved and that can't be to good. It never is.

Dantes mum's prov

"Yes the matter at hand right,"i looked at everyone with a huge determined look on my face. "When i got your proposal i didn't even have to think twice about what i wanted to do,my son and your niece joined by marriage would not just bring our companies together for ones but also bring all of us round this table great, great benefits." This is it this is what we've wait for.

No one said a word, my son was sending everyone death glares, so i had to step in and speak up again. "From my side, the  side of my son Dante we except this proposal and we are very happy you suggested it."

Dante prov

What the hell, who agreed to what? I was literally seeing red by now.

Tarins prov

What the hell is happening, what is everyone talking about? I didn't agree to nothing. Worse yet a wedding proposal and with someone i haven't even known for twenty four hours.

Andrew prov

Everything was falling into place. Just as we have always planned it for so  many years this girl was just carry on baggage, finally this girl is of some use to us. It took long enough to get a reward for taking her in, hell it took to long but i am glad that i had her as a pawn on myside of this game. "So it is set your son and my niece, lets get these two youngsters together,"with a clap of my hand and a smirk on my face, i knew nothing could get in the way of me and all my future money now. Just thinking of all that money made me think of all the zeros on my soon to be cheques, making my smile grow even bigger.

Tarins prov

I was about to try and speak up for the first time i had to, this was literally a life or death situation and this was my life we were juggling with. But before i could say anything, that guy Dante stood up and threw his chair that went smacking and smashing into the wall across the room, that caused everyone in the room to jump up and flinch away, even his own dad.

Dante prov

"What, what did you people just say?" I was visibly shaking with anger, " what the hell are you people talking about. Me married, can you hear yourselves. No, no actually you saying me marring her. What the hell, i can't. Actually cancel that i wont, i will never except that."

Tarin prov

After he spoke he got up and grabbed my arm, he yanked me to a standing position. When he looked at me, since he was so taller he towered over me and literally was looking down at me. I was shaking more now cause i was even more scared of what he was about to do. I was about to burst into tears but i wanted to cry out because i was so frustrated that i could voice up for myself.

Dante- " were the one that probably asked for this proposal right and why not you probably fell for me first thing like ever other female i know, right?," i was growling out every word i spoke to her, i was so furious.

Tarin- he was shaking me and i was trying to get out of his hold, also trying to blink back the unshed tears. I wanted to speak up, i wanted to tell him i didn't even know about this. I opened my mouth but it would just open and close like a fish out of water. His hold on my wrist got tighter and tighter that now it was hurting and i was sure I'd be bruised by it, he was so angry that he was even trembling from his anger.

Dante- "you want to marry me, right?"

Tarin- i shook my head at him opening my mouth praying that something would come out, but as usual nothing, nothing came out. He looked me up and down, me shaking my head as a form of an answer for him didn't even seem to faze him at all. He lookee at me ones more and then pushed me away and let go of my arm, he then walked out of our house, slamming the door behind him. This whole situation made me feel so insecure and frightened, i started trembling well walking backwards and away from everyone. I ran to my room tears streaming down my face, as all the memories of what happened today resurfaced.

I heard the rest of the guest leave and turned my back to the door as i tried to cry myself to sleep.

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