chapter twenty: Needing Tarin

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Dante's POV

I got up shouting Anna's name, I looked around and found myself still in bed.

'ohhh Anna, I'm so sorry!' I need to find Tarin, was my last thought before I ran out of the house.
"I'm coming Tarin, I'm so sorry please forgive me. Please Tarin come back to me," I kept saying that as I drove down the roads looking out for her. I had no idea where she could have gone to and I'm really worried, but one thing I do know is that I would never forgive myself if anything happens to her.

Koven POV
I was in the bath when my phone started ringing, I groaned and put a towel round me before going back to my room to answer it.


I answered it and Dante was talking so fast that I had to tell him to slow down and calm down, then I asked him to repeat what he was saying.....

Dante - "we need to find her Kov, she doesn't have anywhere or anyone to go to. I can't let her go Kov, I can't make that mistake again. Please, please I need your help to find Tarin."

"Dante chill okay..... I'm on my way to you now. We will find her don't worry and  Dante thanks for coming to your senses," with that I ended the call and went to get ready, as well as call for some back up, you know just incase......

Tarin Pov
I've been walking along this road for awhile now, its already dark and not many cars or people are out at this time. When I left the house I didn't take anything with me so I don't even have a jacket on. All I'm wearing is my high waist jeans and oversized tee-shirt,my feet are frozen and that's because I didn't even put on shoes before I left the house. Now I feel stupid for doing that.

I probably look like a street kid or a mad person on the road. I still have tears running uncontrollably down my cheeks and the weather tonight is really cold, to make it worse is started to drizzle.

'why am I so hated? What have I done to deserve all this pain I get,' I kept questioning myself in my head as I walked to who knows where.

"what you doing out at this time of day young lady? Don't you know that this is no place for such a beauty at this time of day?"

I was so scared now, especially when I heard the chuckling of other men after the one spoke up. I didn't know what to do I was trembling with fear, my legs felt like they couldn't keep my weight for much longer and I felt like I'd tumble to the floor anytime soon. My energy also felt like it had just brained out. I heard them approaching me. By now I could hear the beating of my heart. I took a quick look behind me and seen the men.

"my, my she is quite a prize isn't she?" the one man said clicking his tongue on his teeth and then bitting his lip.

"you look cold honey, tell me are you alone?" the other one spoke, looking around the area. I shook my head as an answer to his question, hoping they would believe I'm not alone and leave me.
"looks like you alone doll face, "I shook my head again, but I seen the smirk grow on their faces and I knew they weren't buying my lie.

I counted 6 guys and I knew that they were trouble just by the way they were looking at me. I had to get away, so before it was to late I took off running in the opposite direction. I could hear them running after me and taunting me, calling me.

'A dead end, no please. lord no, not now.' I kept praying in my head. I opened my mouth to shout for help, to at least give it one last try, what did I have to lose. But what I said got me crying even more.


'please Dante, please come save me,' I didn't know why I was praying for him after everything, but I felt like my safety lays in his arms.
I fell to my knees, pulling my legs upto me and hiding my face, I was shaking and crying uncontrollably. I looked up and seen a thin and dark alley, I had to get up. I had to fight, I had to try.

I got up and ran, I heard them still following after me. I could hear the laughs and jokes they made to each other about me. I kept praying for a miracle.

"Dante..... Koven!"

I kept calling for them, but mostly for Dante.
I turned to look back to see how far they were and then ran into a  hard wall or should I say a very firm body, before I fell to the floor the person quickly stabled me by holding me firmly to his very built body. I started panicking because those men caught me and I knew I was in trouble. I started kicking and screaming trying to get out of his hold.

"Dante!" I screamed again.....

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