chapter seven: wedding and bright lights

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Tarin prov

Here i am standing in front of the mirror, standing all alone in a room. Looking at the girl that stands looking back at me from the mirror wearing a wedding dress looking at me with tear filled eyes.

I should feel pretty, i should feel happy or at least i should feel like the luckiest girl on this planet but right now i feel like i just signed my life away. All i feel is pain. I rub my hands together and then i smooth down my dress, memories of when i was little and dressed up like a princess spinning so my dress would go like a cupcake. Mum would be laughing at me and dad would pick me up and dance around with me and spin me around the room. The house would be filled with laughter and then mum would come up to us and start to tickle me, I'd end up crying with laughter wriggling in daddy's hold. We would all be laughing so much, then dad would pull all of us into a big tight hug and tell us how lucky he is and call mum his queen and me princess, he would say 'my pride and joys, my life and my breath.'

Just thinking of those times had me crying again, how could a moment in life change so drastically and turn everything upside down?

I was brought out of my thoughts by the door opening and a woman coming to led me out towards my new life.....
When i was standing in front of the doors, i let the tears fall and then stood straight and started making my way towards my 'husband'.
With every step i took, i was leaving my old life behind. Leaving it all and turning those moments to just memories, just images in my mind of old times.

I walked down all alone, no one was giving me away not even my uncle. When i looked at my uncle and aunt the looks i got the morning i woke up with them in the room was replaced with that of their cold evil ones and when i looked up towards my so called husband he wasn't even looking at me, no he was looking ahead of me.

I felt someone take my hand half way down the isle and when i looked up it was a person but instead of a normal person it was a bright light. A light was holding my hand, at that moment one thought crossed my mind ,'Tarin you have officially lost it.'
But the weird thing is i didn't feel panicked or the slightest bit scared of this light, i actually felt safe and protected. The light slowly started to change to a figure and when i looked again it was my dad.
His back, he came back. I knew he wouldn't let me get married without him being around, he always promised me that.

"You look beautiful baby girl, just like your mother did the day i married her." I looked at him and ahead to see if anyone else could see him standing her holding my hand, but when i looked up infront standing next to Dante was my mum dressed so beautiful, she was smiling at me and holding a thumbs up while wiping away her tears.

As soon as i was standing infront of Dante they both kissed me on my cheeks and then when Dante reached for my hand, dad held my hand in his own shakey one and mum held Dantes. Dad placed my hand into Dantes and bent down to kiss our now joined hands and for the first time ever my dad had tears running down his eyes, he stood up and wiped my cheeks, he wiped my falling tears and shook his head saying enough, he had a smile on his face.

I heard someone calling my name and when i looked up i seen the priest was asking if i took Dante to be my husband, i looked up to him and dad stood beside him smiling and nodding. He was telling me to say yes, so i just did, i nodded my head in a yes motion. He said i do and when it came to the kiss the bride i felt my tummy clenching and unclenching, Dante leaned down and placed his laps onto my own but his pulled back so fast it didn't even feel like he had kissed me, more like his lips just brushed on my own.

During the after party, when it was the bride and grooms dance, mum came on held me from the back and hugged me from my shoulders smiling widely at Dante, who still hadn't really looked at me.

She called him a 'taste looking cookie,' to which i was giggling at. I didn't know that when i started giggling Dante and the rest of the party had turned to look at me, when i did notice it however i used my hair as usual to hide myself from their views.
My wedding wasn't one most brides experience or would think of, but it was the best wedding i could have asked for. With dad scolding Dante about looking after me or he would haunt his sorry butt for the rest of his life and mum telling me what a handsome man he was, it was the best time I've had in a long time.

I even danced with them but to everyone else it must have looked like i was dancing by myself and laughing by myself, which by the way got me many questioning looks but i didn't care at all.

Maybe i was just seeing them cause thats what i wanted to see or maybe they were really here, i don't know, all i do know is im glad they here.

But then they had to go again, but i wasn't so sad about it. Yes i wanted to know why only now, why did they only just come now? Why not earlier?

They held me close, this time we were all smiling no tears. I watched them walk away and i don't know what dad said to mum cause she started chasing him and they disappeared, they were gone, like they were never here.

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