chapter eight: After the wedding

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Tarin prov

Today is my last day at my childhood home before i have to go and stay with Dante. Dante gave me one last day to come back here to sort out and pack up all that i will need for when i go stay by him.

Walking through the rooms of this house reminded me of the times when each and every room were filled with the sounds of laughter and joy, those times are now just shadowed memories of the past and of what used to be. I don't know what awaits me in my new life. I would what Dante will be like, what he will treat me like. With a sigh i continued my packing.

There was a knock on the door and my uncle went to go and open it. But i already knew who it was so i just made my way downstairs.

When it came time to leave, i didn't really feel hurt for leaving my aunt and uncle. But the pain i felt was because i was leaving the only home i ever knew , however when i thought of it this house lost the home feeling when my parents past away. I glanced one last time at the house i grew up in and then watched it disappeared. This was it this is me going to my new house that I'll have to call home.

This is my new beginning......

His world

Dantes prov
The car ride back to my place was very silent. I love silence but this silence made me uneasy, for some reason it didn't quite sit right with me. The more i tried not to look at her i always found myself stealing glances at her now and again.' Whats happening to me whats this girl doing to me, why do i feel this way?'

She sat facing the window the whole time and she was so tense i could see it. She also looked upset but i convinced myself that she must be having a diva moment, shes probably having a tantrum for not getting her way with something.

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