Chapter 21: Mine

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Dante pov

We have been driving around for awhile now and im starting to get really worried, if someone so much as touchs a hair on her head he is going to get it from me, that person will wish they were never born and i swear on that.

We kept driving, we had guys walking and asking people if they had seen here anywhere arond this area. We even had spot lightson all the cars looking through every ally way. No corner would be left unshearched.

"Sir, a man said he heard a girl just a few minutes ago screaming out two names. Sir the names the girl called were Dante and Koven. The guy went to go and see what sort of trouble the girl got herself into and found six guys chasing after a beautiful young girl who was bearfoot and in nothing but simple day to day clothing, she wasnt even wearing a jacket in this bitter cold. The guys that had been chasing the young lady threatened the guy that if he kept snooping he was going to regret it.

She spoke......

All i seen was red, tonight someone was going to die, tonight i would take another bastereds life from him. I went to the man that had witnessed all of this with the young lady and the six guys, lifted him by the coller of his tshirt.

I could see the fear in his eyes but i wasnt fazed, i wanted Tarin back and i wanted her NOW. My blood was boiling thinking of them hurting her.

"i...i...i will take you to where i seen her sir, but those men will kill me sir," the man trembled in my arms.

I put him back on his feet and promised i wouldn't allow no harm to come his way, then i proceeded by pulling out a wad of cash from my blazer and handed it to him.

"Take me to her now and help me get her back. This cash here will all be yours.

I seen his eyes started glowing as he whisled, i seen guys coming out of the shadows, my smirk grew bigger. 



We heard running and after awhile i heard a loud scream, my feet started moving on their own accord. That's when I saw her but she had she had turned back to see if those soon to bead men were still following her, however they had stopped following her and stood frozen watching my men come out of the shadows and surround them.

She now noticed all these men surrounding her and didn't pay attention to us infront of her, she ran straight into me almost falling down but i was quick to cycle my hands round her waist and pulled her trembling body into mine.
She started to thrash around in my arms, tears were falling uncontrollable down her face.

I was trying to talk to her calmly and make her see that it was i that was holding her but she wasn't giving me that chance, until i had to yell at her.

"Tarin for goodness sake it's me,"she stopped thrashing around and looked up at me. I didn't expect it but the way she pulled me and to hide her trembling little frame with mine broke me, broke any hope of remourse for these fools that wanted to harm her. I wanted to kill these things one by one but i didn't want her to see that side of me.

"Listen princess i need to teach these men how to act around a lady so I'm going to have one of my guys take you for awhile and I'll come and get you okay."

At first she looked hesitate but in the end she went.

Koven" Hi jellybean, wasnt a smart idea to run off without something warm now was it?"

She looked at him slightly and then shook her head as her little body shook from fear and the cold, as always the forever charming Koven took off his jacket and gave it to her, at this point i couldn't control myself and just rolled my eyes and scoffed.

When my guys took her back to the cars and she was out of sight i turned back to those idiots looked at my men with a smirk on my face and gave a firm nod letting my boys lose. I even felt bad for those guys since my boys don't know the meaning of sympathy.

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