chapter fifteen: Slap and lights out

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Kovens prov

When we, me and Tarin first got into the house Dante was surprisingly there. However he didn't look the least bit happy to see us at all. He looked so angry and tensed up, I could see the anger in his eyes boil over and even see possessiveness when he looked to mine and Tarins closeness. So just to fuel his anger i spoke up.

"Dante you home early, whatsup thought you would be working till late, as usual?"

After I spoke up I seen his jaw ticking and then tense up. He greeted his teeth together, he looked so annoyed I had to fight back the smirk that I so wanted to show. His eyes shifted from me back to Tarin, when I gave Tarin a side glance I seen her slowly moving behind me to get out of Dantes view. Dantes eyes darkened further because of that.

'cheery on the icing,' I thought....

Dante-"Koven I'd like it if you left now and for future reference to go out with 'my wife' for you to inform me first. Now I'd like some alone time with 'my wife,' if you'd excuse us."

I looked at Dante and now I couldn't hold back the chuckle or the smirk after. I turned round and looked at Tarin, she was looking at me with pleading eyes. I felt sorry for her but I had to do this for her and for Dante. I had one last move so I leaned forward and kissed her on her forehead, I then pulled her even closer to me by putting my hands on her hips and drawing her towards me. She gasped and tensed up and when she did that I couldn't help but chuckle she so innocent.....

I gave one last smile at Dante and left them.

Tarins prov
When we first arrived and I seen the look Dante was giving us, that look made a shiver of fear run down my spin. I started to slowly move behind Koven because I wanted him to protect me.

When he asked Koven to leave I felt like my legs couldn't hold up my weight I was so scared but I stood my ground, I had to fist my hands because they were shaking really bad and I didn't want him to see it. I'm sure I even looked pale after he called me 'his wife' and told Koven to ask for permission next time he wants to take me out.

When Koven turned round to leave I was sure the tears would come balling out of my eyes, I was pleading him to not leave me alone with my eyes. However when he gave me a sad smile I knew he wasn't going to stay, before I knew what he was going to do i was already in his arms and then he kissed me on my forehead. He gave one last look at Dante then left me and the very angry looking Dante alone.....

When I looked at Dante after the door closed I seen his eyes they were so cold looking, full of anger. I started moving away and tried to run past him to get upstairs. To get away from him, however when I was about to pass him, he grabbed me by the arm and yanked me roughly. Thankfully I couldn't see his face because our backs were still to each other, i was thankful I couldn't see the cold glare he was giving me but i could feel his piecing gaze that was on me.

Dante-"did you?" he sighed probably trying to control his anger, he still had a death grip on my arm, which was really starting to hurt, "did you have fun today? Did you enjoy spending the day with another guy not just any guy but my best friend?"

I couldn't help shaking with fear, his tone that he spoke in was so cold. He pulled me forward so now I had to face him, but when I seen the cold glare on his face I lowered my head so now I was looking at my feet.

Dante-" why aren't you answering ha!?" he was yelling at me.
Dante-"are you not answering me because you feel guilty because you know what I'm saying is the truth? Whooing a guy when you married, my best friend!"

With that he roughly lifted my head to meet his child eyes, he was holding my chin in between his to fingers. I was beyond terrified that now I had tears pooling in my eyes. For some reason I seen regret and pain in Dantes eyes when he seen my face, but as fast as it was there it was replaced with that of a cold heartless one again.

Dante - "it's true then isn't it? You trying to win over my friend ha?" he shoved me backwards that i lost my balance and almost fell down but managed to stable myself.
When his words registered I seen red, he was accusing me of being unfaithful to our marriage. I may not love him, but I would never go against the vows that I made the day I became Mrs Dante.

The slap that I gave him echoed through the room and only after the slap did I realise what I'd done. He put his hand up to his cheek and then to his lip that had a small cut because when I slapped him his teeth cut his lip, he looked at the blood on his fingers and then at me. I stood frozen with my hand over my mouth.

I didn't know what to think or do at that point, I stood staring and visibly shaking in fear because I had just slapped an angry Dante...

Dante- "yo.... You just slapped me?"

He started to advance towards me and with every step he took I two back, I could feel the colour from my face draining and my body growing weaker and weaker. I put my hands out in front of me trying to block him or make him stop walking but he just chuckled, which made a shiver of fear run down my spin. I put my hands together as if praying for his forgiveness, but that still didn't work.

Times like this is when I really wish i had my voice, just this ones I could really use it. I opened my mouth praying, just praying so hard that something, anything would come out. But no nothing, nothing came out and he kept getting closer to me.....

Dante prov
I can't believe she had slapped me, she had the nerve to actually do it. However for some reason I was not mad at her, i was shocked. I kept moving closer and closer to her, i could see her trembling and her face was very pale. She had her hands put together praying for me to forgive her.

I was about to hold onto her shoulders when all of a sudden she dropped, luckily I managed to catch her before her head hit the floor. I picked her up bridle style and carried her up to my room, i dont know why I didn't take her to her own room. Maybe because I wanted her near me.

I put her down into my bed and quickly called for a doctor and asked him to come over.

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