chapter 18 : Goodbyes and Anna

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Tarin's  prov
I wrote down on a piece of paper.....

'i Tarin Jessica Anderson give my company the Anderson Industry to my husband Mr Dante Ashwood without any demands or requirements,'to finalise it I put my signature below it and then handed Dante the paper.

I took another paper and started to write on it when Dante spoke up after reading what I'd written....

Dante"-Tarin no.... Please first listen to me, please listen to what i have to say. ' But i didn't listen to him or what he was saying, i just  kept writing what i had to say.

This was what i wrote.... ' i can't go on with this anymore, the lies and the hurt in my life has become to painful for me. I give to you all that i have and i unburden you with this marriage that we have been forced into.

I tried to do right, i tried to make you atleast see I'm not worthless  and to atleast get you to like me, but i failed. Thank you for everything Dante, but i just can't go on with a life such as the one I'm living which is only based on lies. I can't go on, not like this. But enough with these useless explanations it means nothing to you right?'

I handed him the paper, took one last look at both the men in front of me. Then i walked out, i didn't know where i was going, all i knew was i needed to get away from the lies and hurt.

Dante prov
I finally got what I've wanted right? It's finally all mine but then why do i feel so hurt, so broken and most of all so lost?

'Tarin she left me, she's gone aind i could finally have Ema if i wanted!' I said to myself but then i answered myself aswell,'but now all you want is Tarin!'

Koven-"well done Dante, you got what you wanted right? You let her walk right past you and out of your life and for what this paper in your hands, that signature at the bottom of that paper. All that was in her name now stands in yours,the all time best Mr Dante Ashwood right? I hope this paper has made you happy my friend because for the second time in your life you have let your happiness walk right past you and out of that door and for what a couple of extra dollars in your bank account. "

He knew that i didn't want to ever hear of my past again and yet he spoke of it now when I'm weak. He knew i never wanted to hear of Anna ever again yet he had to speak of her.

The last thing Koven said to me before he left was," i knew you loved her Dante. I know you love Tarin to, but this time don't make the mistake of letting her walk completely out of your life," he put his hand on my should, "this time go after her, you need to wake up now before you loose her to."

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