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Book: Anidita- A Pious Bond
Author: Riti
Judge: Preeti

Book: Anidita- A Pious BondAuthor: Ritidestiny_destinationsJudge: PreetiPreeti_19_

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TOTAL: 89/100

Dear Riti sis, I loved many things about your book!💕  At the same time, your book has some cons.   So, this is its honest review according to my observation.


☆ Introduction -

The introduction of your story is impeccable!  The title, cover, blurb, everything is just perfect!!   The way you've made the enchanting cover is really commendable!❤❤❤  Your blurb is also attention-grabbing!!

☆ Story -

Coming to the story, all your plots are amazing!  I really enjoyed reading each and every OS/TS/SS. 

Then, your descriptions are so well-written that it creates a perfect imagery in the reader's mind.   I could feel the emotions of each and every character in your story.  You're really so talented sis!✨   But, I feel that you could've been a bit more descriptive.  I mean you could've extended the descriptions in a few more lines.  This way, your story would be more interesting to read!

And, as nothing can be absolutely perfect;  so there are some minor errors in your story like grammatical errors and misspells.  I hope pointing them out will help you in your further writings -

1) At many places, you've used the 3rd form of verb with didn't, instead of 1st form.  

2) There are also spelling mistakes like layed(laid),  worrid(worried), copping(coping),  interrept(interrupt),  chirpyly(chirpily),  seiling(ceiling), histerical(hysterical), etc. 
(I've mentioned only those misspells which are repeated many times in your story.)

3) There are no words like "feets" and "putted".  The correct words will be "feet" and "put".  "Feet" is already a plural.

4) There are spelling mistakes in some Hindi words too.

▪ Important!!

Somewhere, I felt that your chapters seemed to be a narration of events rather than a story!  I think this is because there are more dialogues than descriptions.  So sis, I suggest you to add a bit more of descriptions. 

One more point.  You don't need to write how the characters delivered their dialogues when you've already mentioned it in the description.  Like in every dialogue, you mention an adverb in parenthesis which you've already written before the dialogue.  So, it seems quite uninteresting.

☆ Conclusion -

Overall, your book is very intriguing!♥️♥️  You've beautifully described the pious bond of AniDita through different situations.  You just need to work a bit on the grammar and writing style.  Then, your story will become perfect!  And last, but not the least;  I must say that I particularly loved the last musical OS of your book.  It's just splendid!   You've a lot of potential dear sis.  Keep up your talents!!  All the very best for your future endeavours!👍


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