chapter 37

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"i said.. let go of him!"

Yuki yelled this time, he wasn't afraid anymore. He's holding the metal stick as he was about to hit Sanzu with it.

Sanzu continued holding Inui's neck in the air, he was also pointing the gun at his head, but, Inui refuse Sanzu to take him dead on his hand.

"L-Let go o-of.. shithead.." Inui grumbled as he was struggling to get Sanzu's hand away from him.

Sanzu looked at Inui, he was so furious now that in a second, he can kill Inui right away.

As Yuki saw what Sanzu was gonna do, he was just about to hit Sanzu when a gun shot was heard after that.

Inui's eyes widened..

He was shocked..


"Yuki!!" A girls tone was heard after what happened.

The thing that happened was Yuki got shot by Sanzu. After Yuki was about to hit him, he immediately turn his head to Yuki and didn't hesitate to kill him. Inui went speechless for a second, he just saw someone (a friend) got shot infront of him.

The worst part was... you saw what happened.

"Yuki!!!" You yelled as you tried running towards them. Kokonoi and you were just escaping and didn't expect you'd stumble upon on your friends.

"Y/n, no!" Koko stopped you by grabbing your arm. You let go of him and didn't care at him at all. All of you could think of was Yuki, he got shot by a murderer, named Sanzu...

Inui saw you running towards them, he immediately kicked Sanzu's balls as he was still distracted by looking at Yuki. Sanzu accidentally unleased Inui by his hand, he felt pain as Inui kicked him.

Inui fall to the ground and Sanzu was already pointing a gun at him, he was just about to kill Inui when you stole the gun from Sanzu.

"Stop it!! This ends right now!" Sanzu was shocked, he didn't expect for you to show up.

"I don't want someone to die in here!" You yelled again. You looked at Yuki, blood was already on his shirt, a sign he got shot near his chest.

"Hey, Yuki!" You called him, he was already on the ground. Tears were already about to fall on your cheek.

"T-This can't be happening.." you mumbled.

Kokonoi ran towards what was happening. He hold down Sanzu as he was about to right back.

"Inui, call the police!" Koko said to Inui. Inui was stiff when he gets his phone, he was shaking because of the traumatizing scene he saw earlier.

Inui, called 911 and told what was happening.

"Yuki.. p-please hang on.." You said to Yuki as you covered your hand to his chest, it was bleeding so bad. "Inui, call the ambulance!" You yelled at him, you were already crying.

"Let go of me, asshole!" Sanzu was still fighting back to Koko. They were already punching each other back in fort.

You then heard a bunch of men coming your way, you think it's Mikey's men.

"No, no, no, please!" You cried even more.

Yuki was still alive, yet already weak to stand up.

"H-Hey.." you heard Yuki, you can feel the weakness in his voice.

"Look at me.." he slowly said.

"Just go and leave me here... I'm fine."

You cried even more when you heard him say that his fine when he's clearly not.

"No! I would never leave you!"

"Y/n, i'm here because of you. Please don't let me regret coming here..."

You pause from crying when you realized that. The reason they were here in the first place was because of you...

You cried even more as you shook your head, you really don't wanna leave him.

"Y/n! Run and leave here!" Koko said as he was fighting Sanzu. You were still hesitating, you can't just leave Yuki injure in here.

Sanzu looked at you, he was planning on getting his hands on you but Kokonoi blocked him from doing that. He received another punch from Kokonoi that made him stumble on his feet.

"You're not laying a single finger on her.." Koko said to Sanzu, his face were already bleeding because of the punches Sanzu gave but he was still strong as ever, he wanna protect you as long as he can.

Sanzu smirked at Kokonoi as he wiped his blood stained from his mouth. He slowly stands up and already was about to fight Koko.

"Inui.. leave and bring Y/n with you.." Koko said to Inui. Inui was still on the ground with the call.

Inui put down his phone, he was confused. "W-What? What about Yu-" Inui's words were cut out by Koko, the thing he said was unexpected.

"Just leave him... I'll take care of him." After Koko said that, he went punching Sanzu again.

Inui was hesitating to leave. Someone's injured and they can't leave that. Inui went to Y/n and Yuki, he covered his mouth out of shock when he saw how badly Yuki got shot.

"I-Inui, let's help him stand up.." you begged to Inui. Inui thought that your dumbed, helping Yuki will get worse, there's a 99 percent you'll get him killed ince you move his body.

"Y/n.. i'm telling you, just leave.. i'll be okay."


That's a lie.

He's not okay and you get that. Even when his life is in danger, he was still smiling for you to not worry.

"Y/n, they're here.. let's go."

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