chapter 24

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𝐀 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮


After that, all of you decided to split up to go home, it's almost 7 pm and y'all already had dinner together.

"Time to go, Alice.." you called. She's been clinging to Inui nonstop and you thought Inui might felt annoyed by her.

She went close and hold your hand, it was cute. "Okay!" She said.

"It was fun having time with you." Yuki started. "hope we could do this again." He smiled as he said that.

"hmm sure." Inui replied.

"Y/n! Let's meet up tomorrow, kay?" Yuzuha exclaimed as she suddenly hold your other hand. "the time we had earlier wasn't enough" she added.

"alright.. i'll see you tomorrow." You said.


After that, all of you went to look at Alice. She yawn, a sign that she's tired. "guess someone's tired." Yuki said.

"she really must've fun earlier." Inui said. You look at him, he seemed concerned on Alice.

"alright, time to get going." You said as you pick up Alice to your hand, you decided to carry her until you got in the car.

"i'll carry her.." Yuki immediately get Alice from your hand and Alice didn't even complain about that. You were shocked at how sudden it was.

"A-Alright. Then, see ya guys" you wave to your friends, smiling at them. Yuzuha wave back at you and Inui just gave you a smile.

Yuki already went on in the car and you followed him.

"8 am tomorrow, kay?!" Yuzuha said, reminding you to go at 8 am when you meet her tomorrow.

You just nod at her and smile. Inui finally waved at you as you closed the car door. You gave him a smile in car window, it was open.

After that, the driver started the engine of the car, not long enough, you guys left.


"See you soon again, Alice." You wave at her. You dropped her at her house with Yuki. Alice wasn't really paying attention, i guess she was still sleep walking.

Yuki chuckled at how Alice looks funny but cute in the same time in her actions.

"yeah, see you again, Alice." Yuki wave at her. Alice was now on her nanny, being carried.

"Thank you so much for looking after her Ms. L/n and Mr. Haru. I can't thank you enough." The nanny said, Alice's head was on her shoulder so maybe she's already asleep. You slightly shook your head and said.

"It's not a problem, beside, we had fun with her.."

"Oh my! I hope she didn't get you uncomfortable by the repeat calling of 'mommy' and 'dada'." She said. The nanny was so kind to remember that, it was uncomfortable, really.. but it wasn't really that bad, everytime she calls you 'mommy', it felt like she actually was your daughter.

"I-It wasn't really. Don't worry about it." You gave her an assuring smile.

"yeah, it was but don't worry. It's fine." Yuki said. Your eyes widened when he actually said the truth.

"oh no, i'm really sorry. She can actually be silly sometimes. She calls people she likes 'mommy' and 'dada' even though she doesn't really know them that well." The nanny explained. Does that mean she really likes the both of you?

"If she can feel like she can already trust you..... that's when she'll start calling you by your own name.."

You were shocked hearing that. You felt happy as you slowly smiled at the nanny.

"thank you for saying that.." It feels like Alice really is a unique girl. It doesn't just seem like it. Her silly acts can be annoying but it wasn't really once you could see her true self.

After that, the nanny gave you a little bow in the head and smiled. She turned around, already about to enter Alice's house.

Both Yuki and you wave at them but, you didn't expect Alice would be awake. She was waving and smiling at you, your smile fade at the shock.

"Thank you, Aunt Y/n! Uncle Yuki! See you again!!"

Yuki and you both looked at each other.

"did she just say that?" Yuki asked. You both looked back at her,she was still waving and smiling.

Your smile widened hearing what she just said. You felt so happy, it makes you wanna hang out with her even more.

"Yeah, see you again!" You said, giving her a straight hand wave up high. Yuki did the same thing when he saw you did it. "See yah, Alice!" He said.

The nanny look back at the both of you, she seemed happy.

For the last time, Alice and her wave and smiled at the both of you. After that, the door opened and they both entered the house. For some reason, you didn't realize there was already a tear on your cheek. Yuki noticed it and talks about it.

"Hey... are you crying?!"

You ignored him and just continued staring at Alice's house.

"i miss her already.."



ugh... i'm so tired." Yuki complained as he sat down to the couch of your house. It's already been 30 minutes since you guys arrive and he still keep repeating the word 'i'm tired'.

"then sleep to your room, idiot." You deadpanned.

"It's boring when i'm alone." He said.

"shut the fuck up and just get a wife, you dumb head." You said. This is how you act when you're alone with Yuki, you get so bold and confident infront of him, but then get shy and clumsy when with others, and that's what Yuki liked about you.

"yeah? Then why not just you?" he said. You gave him a death stare. Yuki can't handle that stare of yours so he looked away.

"Fineeee. Whatever." He rolled his eyes.

You continued tying up your shoes, he noticed it and asked you.

"You're going out this late at night?"

"hmm... i'll be back at 11 pm." You replied.

"Who are you going out with?"


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