chapter 4

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𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐆𝐚𝐧𝐠


"Don't complain... accept this as an apology from me..." He said as he hugged you. You, of course is shocked about the sudden concern he gave to you. You already know Koko has a soft spot to you but this.. you weren't expecting this..

The sudden hug he gave to you was unexpected because you know he was mad, he was mad at you, right?.

"also... i know you're cold so don't try and resist this.." he demanded. You can actually feel a sudden flutter out of you, he was acting cute but how? why? what's the reason?.

You have no choice but to hug him back. "O-Okay..." you say. You slowly put both of your hands on his back, it felt awkward because it was the first time you hugged Kokonoi in some romantic feeling.

Not long enough, he let go and looked at you. He seemed to be so serious so you didn't look back to his eyes and just stared at the ground.


a word you didn't expect to hear come out from his mouth. Why is he saying sorry again?

"for... what?" You asked, you finally looked at him. His eyes met yours, you felt a sudden butterfly on your stomach and you can't explain why.

"sorry? because you got mad at Inui?.. or you got mad at me?" You asked, Koko sighed in frustration, he look up at the sky with the stars up high.

"is there any other reason to say sorry about?" He asked, looking back at you. "Nothing, right?" He added

"huh? But why?" You question him again, you were confuse at his actions.
He leaned back at the motorcycle and looked up.

"So what? You want me to control you?" He replied, making you more confused.

"You do know you're not a machine to control, right?. You can do whatever you want as long as you're happy.." he said while he looked at you in the eyes. Your heart skipped a beat as you realize what he was trying to say. You even blushed..

"date him all you want, i don't care.."

"Y-You're not mad at me.. even though i went out with Inui?" You asked.

"yeah, it was shocking but no. I don't give a damn about him anymore..." he replied. The smile on your face earlier fade away as you thought that maybe they could slowly be friends again.

You went silent after he said that, you expected him to care but he didn't. The silence between the both of you suddenly broke up when an unknown person called Kokonoi.

Koko picked it up, he seemed to know this man..

"What do you want?" Koko asked on call.

"Where are you? We'll having a meeting tonight, did you forget about it?" The guy replied and you heard it, Koko wasn't far away from you when he answered the call, so you can basically hear their conversation on the side. This guy seems to be familiar to you, you felt like you've already known him.

Koko sigh after that, it seems like it's a problem.

"Oh come on and hurry up, Pal." The guy said, he seems to be persuasive for some reason.

"alright, im coming. Don't start without me." Koko demanded and the guy just replied with a "yes, sirrr" then it hung up after that. Koko put back his phone in his pocket and looked at you, you looked back and asked him.

"Who was that?"

"No one... just a friend..." he replied, you felt suspicious at his answer but you didn't get it to you.

"oh, okay.."

Koko stand up from sitting on his motorcycle and started the engine.

"Let's go, im taking you home" he said but you refuse. "Uh, no. You still had a meeting to attend to, right? Just go and leave me, i can go home by myself.." you said, grinning at him. He stoped the engine and looked at you.

"it's cold, are you sure you can go home by yourself? It's dangerous, you know?" He said, so concerned to you.

"i told you, im fine, besides, i can fight. I'll kick thier ass if someones tryna hurt me."

Koko chuckle a little at your joke. He smiled.

"bold as always are we, huh?" He replied, you just nod and smiled.

"alright, i'll trust you." He said, tapping your shoulder. "Be careful, okay?" He said, pinching your cheek which you didn't expect to happen. He then started the engine and looked at you one last time.

"Let's meet again tomorrow night, i'll introduce you with a gang."

As you heard the word gang, you froze. What does that mean? A new gang again?

"o-okay..." you wanna ask him a lot of question but he needs to go, he still has a lot something to do which is the same as you. Koko bid his farewell and set off, leaving you in the dark side of the street. You sigh as a relief.

"well.. you better start walking now, Y/n.." you said to yourself. You'll just be walking since your apartment is just a kilometers away so you don't need to worry about anything.

As you started walking home, you can't stop thinking about what happened earlier between Koko and Inui. If it didn't stoped as what you wanted, they might've really start punching at each other. You keep thinking about it that you didn't realize that you've already arrive home.

You went inside of your house and throw your bag on the side, you dive in onto your bed without changing any clothes.

"ughhhh, stop thinking about it, Y/n.."
You said to yourself. You can't sleep after that encountered that happened and Koko's gang made it worse.


"OH SHIT, IM LATE!" you screamed as you looked at your clock. As a 16 year old girl, you still need to study for a proper job.

You're now in a hurry changing clothes. After you changed, you receive a lot of missed calls. It was all from Inui..

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