chapter 15

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𝐔𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞


Someone suddenly pulled you out of nowhere. Your eyes widened when someone's hand suddenly covered your mouth as they tried pinning you down to the corner where nobody could see you.

You slight panicked at some point, you tried removing the hand that was covering your mouth, but then froze as your eyes met theirs. His eyes were gazing at you, there were only an inch left as both of you stared at each others.

"Don't make a noise..." he demanded. You followed his orders because you knew who he was.

"Meet me at our usual place tonight at 8 pm."

He said. You slight nodded. He let go of your mouth right after that. You breathe first before talking.


"Don't be late" he butt in, cutting your words as he looked at you, intensely.

"you got that?"

"but wait-" you tried stopping him while he tried covering his head with his hood. Before he could even leave you, he said.

"Inui's waiting. Go back.." Right after that. He left without a word. He left you with confusion in your head, even so, you still smiled seeing him even for just a minute.

"Y/n!" Inui called. "where have you been?" He asked, he was so worried that he thought you got lost or you left him without saying goodbye.

You blinked 5 times before you replied to him. "O-Oh, i was just.... looking for something..."

"who was... that guy?" It seems like Inui saw you. "No one. That was just... no one.." you denied. Inui frowned as he felt something was wrong, still, he pushed his worries and changed the topic.

"uh- Y/n look, about the sui-"

Inui were trying to explain about the tux you forced him to wear but you butt in and interrupted. "I wanna go home.." Inui flinched. He wasn't expecting you to say that. "L-Like, right now..?" He asked. You nodded and started to walk away.

Inui put back the clothe he was holding and ran to catch up with you. As both of you walk towards the exit of the mall, Inui got the feeling that something was bothering you.

"Are you alright? You seemed off, Y/n.." he worriedly ask.

He was right, his guessing was all true, something is really bothering you. You ignored Inui's question because you were busy thinking about something. You were thinking if you should tell Inui about what happened between Mikey and you.

Both of you stoped walking. You felt like you need to tell it to Inui. "Y/n?.." He asked. You look at Inui and said.

"Inui, i gotta tell you something.." you started. "Yeah?" Inui said.

You felt nervous about telling him about this, you weren't ready or know what his reaction be. Will he get mad? Will he scold you? Will he help you?

"I- uh.. listen." You started stuttering, you don't know why. "Uhm... about Mi-" as you tried to explain, your phone ringed. You checked it and it was your mom.

You denied the call since you had no time for mom and daughter talk. "Mi? What?" Inui's confused now. You tried explaining once again. "It's about Mik-" before you could even complete your sentence. Your phone vibrated, a text message from your mom saying...

"Y/n, dear. I've made up my decision. You'll like it or not, you're leaving Japan next week.."

You can't believe what you just saw. A message from your mom shocked you. Your eyes were as wide as an O letter as you saw it.


You look at Inui. "I uh- i think... we should discuss this in another time" You've decided to not tell him what happened to you not untill you've done solving your family problem. "I gotta go now, Inui" Right after then, you left Inui not understanding a thing about what you're trying to say.



"Mom, i told you. I can't leave Japan yet!"

-"You have no choice, Y/n. Our company needs you here right now! you need to fullfil your duty as a heir."

-"But mom.. i don't wanna be in an expensive sassy business company! I've always don't want that and you know that well, mom."

You called your mom right away after you got home. You were running out of ideas to how you will convince her. You still wanna stay in Japan untill your turned 18, once you turned 18 year old, that's when the time you go to the states to live with your mom and to celebrate the new heir of the company which was you.

Your mom always had that company ever since you weren't still born. Both your father and mother built that company when they were still girlfriends and boyfriends.

Ever since you were born, it's already been decided that you will take on the company once you grew up. You're family are rich and so was you, your life just doesn't seem like it, but the reason was because you chose to be not rich. You knew everyone would stick around you if you were that famous, pretty rich kid known in the town. That's the first thing you hate the most in life.

-"Enough already, Y/n. I regret leaving you there ever since you were still a baby."


-"I've heard enough. This call is done and so is my decision.."

(call ended)

"Ughhh!" you threw your phone to your bed out of the emotion you felt. So much anger rise through your body, you knew damn too well that once your mother decided something for what's the best, it would always come as the best.

You're now walking around your apartment non-stop, thinking what you'll do to stop your flight.

"H-How should i do this..."

"s-should i run away? leave? Ignore mom's decision?"

Panic ran through your veins. You always knew that this day will come and will be come true. You've been thinking about it every time your mother will come and visit you ever since you started aging up. You didn't expect that such difficulties and mind were needed if you're not planning on following your own mother's life decisions.

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