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⠀⠀𝐑𝐎𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐔𝐏. 𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐔𝐏, he didn't need John or Felicity — or Sin — to tell him that this time. And sure, he could follow his old habits and blame Oliver for suggesting he was dangerous to Thea because he couldn't see that she was the reason he was even sane ever since being administered with this stupid fucking Mirakuru. His anger issues had been off the charts ever since that happened, and getting pissed at the wrong people wasn't new, but Lizzie had done nothing wrong.

⠀⠀Sure, he'd tried his best to avoid her ever since her weekend escapades to Starling City started in the first place because for him she was a stranger living in his house — you know, the only house he'd actually felt safe in ever since . . . . well, a long time — so could you expect him to react any differently?

⠀⠀He'd nearly said 'no' when Serenity asked him if he was okay with her sister staying there every weekend, but he'd seen the earnest and hopeful look on her face and recalled all she'd done for him since they'd met that he decided to suck it up. It's not like a little girl from perfect, happy, safe Central City could cause him any actual harm. He was barely home during the weekends, giving Serenity ample time to fix things with her real family.

⠀⠀And he counted as family, she'd told him that multiple times even if she never told about being Artemis over the past year until Oliver let it slip after taking him out in the field the first time — whether he did it on purpose or accident was still beyond him — but she still considered him family. She'd given him her old mask from her days as Mockingbird, after all, telling him it was something important to her. He hadn't forgiven her for breaking his trust until she nearly died, of course, the same day he met Lizzie Allen for the first time.

⠀⠀From what he'd made out about her from their rare interactions — read: standing in the same room — and everything he'd heard from Serenity, she was much like Barry — who Roy had met once and thought was okay — and that she went to some private school for science-tech.

⠀⠀And sure, maybe that might have added resentment but his own girlfriend used to go to a private school, then she'd switched to Starling City High where Roy was forced to go after Serenity took him in — because he needed formal education — and sure, it sucked for them both sometimes among their peers because they were a, and I quote, former street rat and the rich daughter of the woman who destroyed the Glades. If you ignored the odd pairing based on class differences the two of them never cared for — Starling City High students didn't ignore that — there was plenty of reasons for them to be outcasts, especially with Thea's family history and past drug scandal that nearly ended her in Starling City's Juvie, a place so horrible that Serenity — despite at being at odds with Oliver at the time, more than she already was, because of his methods as the Hood — helped Oliver save Thea. Or rather she helped Oliver by reaching out to her contacts along with Laurel's father and getting the Thea community service punishment as well as guidance. That was not to mention how she helped him take down The Count who created Vertigo. So, all in all, Oliver owed her a lot.

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