This Is Not A Date (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"You're seriously using a child to protect you?" He asked, coming around to get her but she went around the other side and ran away.

Eric let out a chuckle and ran after her, Nessa wasn't running as fast as she was before so he quickly caught up to her wrapping his arms around her from behind. Laughter leaving their lips as he swung her around and she tried to pry away from his strong grip.

"Let me go!" She squealed, as the water splashed around them even more getting their clothes wet.

He let her go but started to splash water in her direction, her hair and clothes no longer dry. She did the same, and for the first time they were actually enjoying each other's company.

"Hamilton! Stop!" Nessa shouted, trying to cover her face while attempting to push Eric away.

Eric laughed and moved away so that all the weight Nessa was putting on Eric was gone and now she was going to fall into the shallow water but before she could he wrapped his arms around her waist preventing her from falling and brought her body to his, Nessa's hands resting on his chest as they stood close to each other.

Nessa looked up to see Eric looking down at her, they were both breathing heavily as their bodies were attached to one another. And in that moment, they both felt something different. It was something that they never knew was possible to happen between them.

Suddenly, Eric let Nessa go and she fell into the water. She quickly got up and gaped at him.

"Whoops." And with that, he walked away ruining the moment that they had.


When Eric left Nessa, he found their shoes but brought his and decided to give her shoes to some random kid who decided putting sand in it was a good idea, but when Nessa talked to their mom she finally got it back. Instead of wearing her sandy shoes she bought sandals at one of the shops which was way more comfortable than wearing sneakers. Since her shirt was white, her bra was exposed for everyone to see so as she walked to another shop to buy a towel hugging her body tightly against the cold air and a combination of different looks while Eric causally talked to other girls shirtless, a smug look on his face. And this all happened because they thought it would be fun to frolic in the water.

After that situation, Nessa decided to leave Eric to his flirting business so she buy herself food because her stomach wouldn't stop growling. When she got a hot dog with a drink, she sat down at a small circle table and devoured her food with a happy feeling. Her hunger was finally satisfied and she wasn't with Eric.

When Nessa met Eric, she couldn't stop her grade 2 self from thinking that his eyes were a pretty color and because of that the prettiness of his eyes became favorite color, but when he threw an earthworm down her shirt while she was having snack with her friends her hate for him would never go away even if he had nice blue eyes.

Throughout elementary, middle school and high school they both continued to hate each other and every so often do everything in their power to make their life miserable. After high school Eric disappeared, she never knew why and didn't really care either but he's back and they're stuck together again. Somehow, throughout every school project their teachers loved to pair them up together. Everyone knew they hated each other's guts but they all thought that it was perfect idea to make the work together even until now. 

"Young." She heard a voice call interrupting her thoughts, a hand was waving in front of her face. 

She frowned when she saw Eric looking down at her. "What?"

"I'm taking you home"

Nessa frowned because she really wanted to go to the carnival. "Why?"

"Aw, I knew you couldn't stay away from me." He teased, pinching her cheek.

She swat his hands away and scowled at him. "I just thought we were going to the carnival."

Eric got down on her level and pouted. "Oh, is the little baby upset?" He asked in a baby tone. "I'm sorry but uncle Eric has a hot date later."

Nessa stood up and pushed Eric out of her way. "Go jump in a ditch."

"You first." Eric retorted, walking behind her.

They finally got to the car, it was pretty hot when they got inside. Nessa was already annoyed so it didn't help that it was extremely hot in Eric's car. She brought her now dry hair up into a ponytail and rolled down the window all the way, the air rushing throughout the car cooling off the sweat that was running down her skin.

"A thank you would be appreciated." Eric told her, his eyes focused on to the road.

"For what?"

"For such a great date."

Nessa laughed and looked over at Eric. "If you consider throwing me into water, flirting with others girls and ditching me a date then-"

"You're then one who ditched me."

"You're still not getting a thank you out of me." 

After a couple of minutes of music playing, Eric turned the volume down. 

"I hate you." He simple stated not even bothering to look at Nessa. 

"I hate you too." She replied, her eyes focused on the passing scenery.

"Great." Eric said with content, turning the volume up on the radio.

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