"You can't keep us here." Scott told him.

"Not without a warrant." I added.

"Well, I can with this." Agent McCall lifted my bag—My robbing bag.

"Fück." I cursed quietly.

He opened the bag and placed the contents on the desk. There were several knives, about ten thousand dollars, a smoke grenade, and an a small hand gun.

I shrugged, "I grew up in a rough neighborhood. If you didn't have a gun, you were as good as dead. The money is from inheritance..." I picked the smoke grenade, "My friend gave me this just in case I needed to escape a situation." I pulled the handle and threw it at him.

"Let's go!" I yelled, running out.

We all drove to the preserve. Isaac with me in my car, while Scott was on his bike.

"Are you okay?" I asked Scott.

"I didn't know what to say to him. I couldn't come up with anything but what you did, that was awesome." Scott smiled.

"I haven't heard anything from Stiles, you?" Isaac asked.

I shook my head, checking my phone, "I don't get it."

"Well, we can't wait for him. Come on."

We walked into the woods. We went to the end of the forest, where you can see the whole city.

"Cutting it a little close, aren't we, Scott?" I turned around to see Deucalion.

"We got a little delayed. Where are the others?"

"Occupying themselves with other pursuits." He shrugged.

"So it's just you and me against her?" Scott asked.

"You'd be surprised about what a good team we make."

Scott turned back to us. "Okay, get Stiles and then get to the root cellar. We'll keep Jennifer off long enough for you to get them out of there." Scott explained.

I raised an eyebrow, "How are you gonna do that?"

"I have a plan."

"It's close. I can feel it. Can you pick up a scent?" I asked Isaac.

"I'm trying but I can't-," he stopped.


"I heard something. It's an emitter. One of the Argents. It has to be. Come on." He grabbed my hand and ran.

We quickly found the Nemeton but where's the entrance to the cellar?

"Scar." Isaac pointed to the entrance about 5 feet from the Nemeton.

I ran over and opened it, running down the stairs.

"You found us." My brother smiled.

"I made a promise that I would. I never break my promises, remember?" I quickly untied him from the post.

"Where's Stiles?" Dad asked.

"And Scott?" Melissa added.

"They're coming, alright. They're on their way to help." Isaac replied.

I heard the ceiling move and dirt caved in.

"Hurry!" I ushered them to go up the stairs but it collapsed.

Now we're trapped here.

"It's blocked. Can you see anything?" My brother asked me.

I shook my head. I heard something crack.

"Scar!" Isaac grabbed my jacket, moving me out of the way as another part of the root cellar fell apart.

Isaac stood up and held the ceiling of the root cellar that was caving down. I stood up to help him. We're not going to be able to hold this much longer.

"I can't do it. We can't hold it."

Suddenly, Batman came in and stopped the ceiling from falling with his bat.

"Always did say I like metal bats better than wood." Dad joked as Stiles hugged him.

After a few minutes, the storm stopped.

"Is it over?" I asked.

Dad nodded, laughing.

Stiles' phone rung. "Scott? Yeah, we're okay. We're all okay. Are you okay? You think you can come get us? Great. Okay, um, bring a ladder."

We all laughed.

Ambitchous (Deputy Parrish)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now