Chapter 19 ~ Tranquillity

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Tranquility noun

The quality or state of being quiet and peaceful.

Sapnap pov

Dream has been acting weird these last few days. Here I said it. I don't know what has been going on with him as of late. He has been very chatty about the 'boy who shall not be named' although we all know who it is, I just, it's hard to wrap my head around sometimes. 

And if you are asking. Yes I did pay Dream the 100 dollars, what can I say, man of my word. 

Other than that, he has been talking a lot about him and the way I act around him. Because apparently it is obvious and I should ask him out he says. Sure yes I like him, although that is still a bazaar thing to wrap my head around, it's true. But Dream seems to think he likes me too and is trying to convince me of it. 

I have told him "Just because I like him, it doesn't mean he likes me too. That's silly." but he comes back with a "You are just dense, open your eyes, everyone can see it." He's an idiot. 

Other than the constant nagging, Karl and I have been hanging out more at lunches and outside of school, just chatting about everything and nothing outside of the group more. It's been, sweet to get to know him on a one on one basis. 

However, that is not the case for today as we, otherwise known as Dream and George, have planed a group hang for today and I am pretty excited to get the group back together. We have been so divided lately, me and Karl and then George and Dream that it would be good to all hang again. 


I am already on my way to the park, well not the park. We decided to go to a different park than the normal one by the school which is farther away but definitely worth the time getting there. It is double the size with double the appeal. Not only does it have a big skate rink but it has many trails going into different parts of flowers and trees, all sorts of nature really, if we ever want to stretch our legs we will probably wonder around there. And knowing Karl he is definitely going to bring his camera to take pictures for his end of year project that he has been reviling over lately. 

When the opening of the park comes into view I hop off my skateboard and pick it up, walking the rest of the way since we agreed to meet at the tables right inside of the entrance. Glancing down at my phone to check the time I walked into the park and then up to an empty table, I was 5 minutes early and just figured that no one else was here yet. 

However, when I glanced up I noticed a familiar honey brown brunette by the flower patch close to the front with a camera up to his face. I internally awe'd to myself before standing up and walking back over to him. 

I didn't want to scare him as he seemed focused in his photography so I made sure to rustle some leaves as I walked over and when I was close enough, tapping him on his shoulder. This didn't work out as he still jumped and span around quickly to make eye contact with me. 

"Holy shit Sapnap!" Karl huffed out in sudden anger before settling down. "What was that for?"  

I looked down at my shoes before letting out a quick "sorry" before gesturing back to the table and for Karl to follow which he gladly did.

"Other than scaring the life out of me, what have you been up to today?" Karl questions, back to his happy and bubbly common state which I am grateful for. 

"Not much really, just catching up on some school work and whatnot, you?" I ask. 

"Basically the same." Karl agrees. 

And then there is silence that falls in between us.

Although we have been hanging out quite a lot within the recent days the random silence doesn't seem to leave us alone. It comes at random when we don't know what to say, but there is more to it. It's not just quiet, but awkward, we look around for a topic, our eyes always averting from each other until we find something to talk about, a blush appearing here and there, and I don't like it. 

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