Chapter 11 ~ Conceptualise

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Conceptualise verb

Form a concept or idea about something

Karl pov

When my art portfolio with my last assignment gets handed back to me I don't dare to flip it over and look.

What if it's bad? What if I totally fucked up? My grade will plummet. But if I do good does that mean Ms. Bell would want me to do more photos of people? That is still out of my comfort zone no matter how hard I try.

"Just look at it Karl!" Niki almost bounces out of her seat in anticipation about my mark, even more excited than I am. She knew how difficult this project was for me and how nervous I was for it.

"I can't!" I sequel back. My hands feel like they are going to fall off because of how much they are shaking. I know it is just a mark and that after today it wouldn't mean much if I get a bad or good mark on it but I can't help being basically terrified. "Flip it for me."

Niki nods and flips it over with a gasp and I close my eyes.

"Is it bad?" I question.

"Take your hands off of your face and figure that one out yourself." Niki laughs as my over dramatics but I do as she says anyways.

As my hands fall from my face I see the project and the red mark on the top left. "A". I grab the paper to get a closer look at it and it was in fact an "A". I actually can't believe this.

The bell rings and I hug Niki before hauling my bag over my shoulder and disappearing in the hallway with my project in hand. I make my way to the cafeteria and get to the normal table the group sits at and waits.

It's not like it was my best mark ever but it was the fact that on this project I got a good mark on which was the most exciting part. It was completely outside of my comfort zone in every way.

I see George and Quackity making their way to the table and wave them down even though they were already coming this way, but I guess they could tell something was off as they started to walk faster.

"Hey Karl!" Quackity smiled joyfully when he reached his normal spot.

I try to calm myself down before talking but it is no use. "You will never believe what I got!" I stated excitedly.

They both laugh at my excitement but I am too overjoyed to care and hand them the project and point to the mark.

They both smile and congratulate me and other people start to join us at our table and join in with our laughter and conversation.

Everyone congratulates me and I couldn't feel happier. Sure it might not seem like a big deal as it is just a mark on a photography assignment and not like maths or something, but it was way too far out of my comfort zone and getting validated for that is just so exciting.

I don't even bother eating for lunch as I am mainly running off of adrenaline and can't stop talking to my friends, not that they seem to mind however as they all have matching grins. I stop for a moment and look around the cafeteria to try to find a familiar face or even group, however they are no where to be found. I reach into my backpack to grab my phone and go straight to messages.

Meet me at the tree after school!
I have something to tell u :)

should i be scared?

No just come nimrod

I shove my phone back in my bag before he could respond and turn back to the table and listen into a few conversations before the bell rings.

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