Chapter 16 ~ Redamancy

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Redamancy noun

The act of loving someone that loves you; a love returned in full

Sapnap pov

My eyes crack open and I retract the movement just as quickly as I pull a pillow over my head, taking in the darkness from the quickly made shelter. Should have drawn my curtains before actually going to bed huh? Now that I think about it, I don't even remember falling asleep, but it doesn't take me long to remember why as my headache pounds every five seconds.

I don't remember normally getting this bad of headaches, probably drank more than normal. I take my time to roll over and look at my nightstand holding my phone, a water bottle, and Advil. 

"Thank you Dream." I sigh out in a whisper to myself. I raise my head slightly to grab the contents and swallow quickly before turning back over to wait for the pill to kick in. Bringing my blanket back up to my chin, silently begging for five more minutes of slumber. 

I must have been out of it last night since I don't even remember the car ride home. I try to silently remember the night before but it all feels like a fuzzy blur.

I remember dancing in the living room to some pop songs with everyone there, Dream, George, Karl, Quackity, others were coming in and out too. We were having a blast just jumping around feeling free as the alcohol entered our bloodstreams and the songs got better and better.

That was early in the night though as I remember fumbling down some stairs to the basement, keeping my eyes on Karl so I didn't loose him in the crowd and then sitting next to him and Dream. 

After that it is mostly a mess of things being said or done not knowing the reason but, none particularly interesting so I shake away the thought as it seems like nothing too important happened anyways. Most of us got drunk, did stupid shit we wouldn't do sober, and there wasn't anything to remember for the morning.

Finally deciding I've spent too much time in bed already since the sun was already all the way up, I shrug off the blanket and go to get changed out of my costume from last night. As I go to throw the clothes away to grab a new pair I notice a crinkle in the pants, confused how something got there and not really wanting it to go into the wash I take it out and open it, seeing writing that I don't recognise and read it.

Hey Sappy, hope you're feeling better when you wake up although I wouldn't be surprised if you have a headache, there should be an Advil and water on your nightstand. Anyways rest up today and text me when you get up. I will be hanging with George and Quackity all day for George's birthday before he goes back to London for a week tomorrow, just fyi. See you at school!

I smile at the stupid note and pick up my phone to text him a 'good morning' before discarding it back onto my bed, deciding to take a shower instead as I can still smell the sent of the party all over my body making me want to throw up.

I pad my way over to the bathroom quietly as to not notify the rest of my family just yet, not having enough will power just yet to deal with their loud and bubbly selves.

Managing to make my way there undetected I go through my morning bathroom routine, brushing my teeth and hair which seemed more knotted than normal before starting the shower, waiting for it to heat up before hopping in. 

The warm water quickly pours onto my head, engulfing me in the heat. I sigh and let my worries and responsibilities slide away with the water, only for a moment but it is relaxing nonetheless. The steam starts to fill the room, not that I mind, as I ring my fingers through my hair trying to ease my headache while washing it. 

It doesn't take long for the shower to stop and for me to step into the fogged room as I dry off before wrapping the towel around my hips and walking back into my room. I can hear my siblings in the room over playing some imaginary game while I get changed, laughing at the muffled yells. 

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