Chapter 12 ~ Absquatulate

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Absquatulate verb

To leave abruptly

TW: Mentions of domestic abuse and homophobia (be safe<3)

Sapnap pov

I stayed longer behind the door to get a grasp about what was going on inside of the house, I didn't know what I was supposed to do, but I knew I shouldn't have done that either. What could I have done? Should I try to go back in? Should I pretend that nothing happened and walk away? Because something was going to happen, I didn't know Karl's dad but I knew that isn't something that just happens and is excusable.

I can only hear muffled words until a sudden slap sound and I back away from the door instinctively, not wanting to hear anymore. No matter how much I wanted to go in and interfere, remembering Quackity's words of protecting him, I knew I would only cause more trouble, not only for me but for him.

Karl's only information he gave me was to ask George to explain so that is what I do. I walk away from the house and turn on my phone and going to discord and calling him there since I never got his number.

It rings a few times and I look back at Karl's house to try to understand as lights go out in the living room and kitchen, the only one staying on was resident to Karl's room before George answered.

"Sap? What's up?" George picks up in confusion.

What was I supposed to say? Oh no Karl just kicked me out of his house because his dad thought I was a gay influence on his son and he told me that you would explain? I think Karl just got slapped by his father because he had nail polish on and so did I and he is a homophobic fuck that can't chill. By the way he told me to ask you for his life story if you don't mind.

"Are you free right now?" I question instead.

There is shuffling on the other end before he answers. "Um yeah, is everything good?"

"Not really. Can you meet me at the park we hung out at the other day? It's about Karl, he told me to call you."

George immediately said "Sure, be there in five." and hung up, leaving me to walk there in silence.

The sun was going down as I entered the park, I should be heading home but I couldn't leave this for another hour let alone a whole night, I knew that without some sort of explanation I probably wouldn't sleep.

George comes not too long later and speed walks up to me with a concerned look on his face and I couldn't help but match it.

"What's up with Karl?" George questions as he sits down across the picnic table.

I explain in as much detail as I can with me going to Karl's house and having a good time and then seeing him freeze when his dad gets home, the whole time while I was telling the story George's face looked concerned but also confused.

"So he brought you to his dad's?" He inquires after I finish.

"Yeah, I mean I just said that." I answer annoyed that he isn't understanding it. "Why?"

"He never lets anyone come over to his dad's anymore. Hell I have only been there once and the same thing basically happened." He explained. "Only worse."

"So that's why he told me to ask you about it. Is he going to be okay? What happened last time?" I question more.

He hesitates before answering and I already know it isn't going to be something I want to hear. My phone vibrates in my pocket, I take it out in hopes that it was Karl but it is just my mom asking when I was going to be home so I write 'soon' and look back at George.

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