Chapter 4 ~ Vegabond

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Vagabond adjective

           Wandering from place to place without any settled home

Karl POV

Photography was great as we got the period to storyboard and edit our pictures for our assignment that we got assigned yesterday, and for once I am glad I got most of it out of the way quickly as I spent most of it editing lighting and choosing which pictures with the help of Niki. 

She has more experience with photography of people than I do and she helps we with contrasts and choosing which were best from posture and facial expressions. 

Music blasted in my earbuds for most of the class however as I got my work done, still having left overs to clean up during spare. Even the teacher thought it was looking good which got me thrilled. I'm for sure going to ace this assignment and I could possibly give these kind of photos a second chance. 

Not before long the bell rang which brought an end to photography and morning classes and a hello for lunch which I was excited for because I was hungry and skipped breakfast.

Niki and I made a b-line towards our normal table who already held Tina and Quackily laughing and joking around as always. 

"Niki! Karl!" Tina exclaims. "It feels like its been forever! How are you guys?" 

"I've been good, you?" Niki asks as she sits down and a follow her with a "same."

Tina is a sweet person, she is always able to light up a room and is always so cheerful but she is also very busy as she runs media rep this year for the school and is on the student counsel. I never bothered in it much but it Tina absolutely loves it, plus she wants to do something in social media after high school so this is her stepping stone to it.

"I've been great, well stressful but great nonetheless! We have things planned out till November so that is off the list and now and I can finally chill with you guys a bit more." She smiled. 

"Glad you finally have a break. You deserve it." I smile and dig into my sandwich.

"Guess who's here?" I here a voice come from behind me and sit down beside me. I could recognise that British accent anywhere.

"George! Hello!" Tina smiles brightly. Oh did I mention they are also both captains of the Chess team together. Nerds am I right!

"Tina!" He exclaims back. "Oh, I have a proposal for all of you." 

"Wait what? No ew I'm not marrying you." Quackity buts in which makes us all burst into giggles. 

"Not that kind of proposal, idiot." He rolls his eyes in return. 

"Are you sure Georgie?" Niki looks over at him and raises her eyebrows, obviously just bugging with him too. 

"Ugh no. Dream, my online friend and well Sapnap, you know him." He looks at me while he says his name and I can't help but look back at him trying to figure out what he is going to say. "Well they asked if I wanted to go to their game on Friday, along with you guys, if you were interested."

He explains it kind of awkwardly and formally but no one else seem to notice so I keep my mouth shut. Niki and Tina both look at each other and then back at George. 

"Sorry, girls are having a sleepover." Niki says. 

"No worries." He shakes it off. "Guys? What do you say?" 

Quackity speaks up first. "Hmm, stay home all night alone doing homework or watch you ogle over your boyfriend while he is all sweaty in a uniform-"

"He is not my boyfriend but, go on." George butted in. 

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