Chapter 3 ~Paraprosexia

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Paraprosexia noun

             Constant distraction

Sapnap pov

My phone started going off like crazy which dug me out of my slumber. I didn't dream last night which was good, normally its fucked up shit but today I woke up with a clear mind. 

Well, semi-clear mind. 

As I turned off my alarm on my phone and the first thing I see when I unlock it was the conversation I had last night with Karl, just getting to know one another better and become actual friends and not just acquainted by friends. Which reminds me about talking to Dream later about a short brunette with a sassy attitude because there has to be something there and although I don't believe in true love I still believe that you can be closer than 'just friends' if you know what I'm saying.

The time is 6:48 when I finally remember I am alive and have things to do so I get out of my bed, grab a towel and take a shower since I didn't last night and got ready. 

Getting ready for school was nothing special, I have been getting ready for school for what 12 years now, and the only time it can be special is on graduation which I am excited for but scared at the same time as I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing.

I ran down the stairs and met my mom in the kitchen along with my little sister. 

"Make sure you have something for breakfast, most important meal of the day." My mom said as I walk into the kitchen already making my way to get an apple from the counter and rinse it. It wasn't a meal but I was never much of a morning eater anyways. 

"You too ma. I'll see you after school!" I waved back at her as I left to grab my shoes and skateboard making sure my bag is over my shoulder and locked the door behind me. 

I never cared to drive much although I have my licence, it was close and too much of a hassle when I could just skate for 5 minutes and be at school.

The morning was peaceful as there were mostly just people, alone or in groups, going to school with close to no traffic other than right in front of the school.

I kept an eye out this time however to see if I can find a particular brunette that has been on and off my mind since we met after school, but alas, the taller man couldn't be found. I did however found my best school friend Punz with one of our other friends part of Gumi's group. 

"Hi guys." I smiled as I walked up to him finally getting into the school and following them to their lockers. 

"Sap! Ready for practice tonight." Punz asked. Today was the day that we would all get told our positions and although it normally stayed the same though the last couple of years with a few acceptations for people coming and going, Punz was determined to get my spot as quarterback.

"Of course but you are gonna come out of it a loser like you do every time." I smirk back. I knew I didn't put it all into football but my arm is something hard to defeat.

"In your dreams." He challenged back in which I retaliated. 


"Guys no more about the game, oh! Sap do you wanna join this Saturday's PPsat? We have an opening." Gumi asked changing it to something less competitive and something she more so understands.

"Saturday's what now?" I ask at the name. It's a weird name okay, you can't judge. 

Gumi playfully shoves me and says. "You know what I'm talking about, are you in?" 

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