10. हर एक बात पे कहते हो तुम कि तू क्या है .. (with explanation)

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हर एक बात पे कहते हो तुम कि तू क्या है
तुम्हीं कहो कि ये अंदाज़-ए-गुफ़्तुगू क्या है

[Whenever I speak to you, you condescend and say what are you
What sort of conversational-style is this]

न शो'ले में ये करिश्मा न बर्क़ में ये अदा
कोई बताओ कि वो शोख़-ए-तुंद-ख़ू क्या है

[Neither in balls of fire is there such miracle, nor in lightning such style
Someone tell me what that mischievous sharp-tempered one is.
An 'over the top' praise of the beloved's fiery appeal. Her mischievous nature and short temper is even more spectacular than balls of fire and lightning in the sky.]

ये रश्क है कि वो होता है हम-सुख़न तुम से
वर्ना ख़ौफ़-ए-बद-आमोज़ी-ए-अदू क्या है

[The poet says that I am envious because he gets to converse with you. Otherwise what fear do I have of the rival's misteachings.
(I don't care if my rival is telling you stories about me. What burns me up is that he is speaking to you)]

चिपक रहा है बदन पर लहू से पैराहन
हमारे जैब को अब हाजत-ए-रफ़ू क्या है

[My robe sticks on to the body with blood
What is the need to darn the torn collar then.]

जला है जिस्म जहाँ दिल भी जल गया होगा
कुरेदते हो जो अब राख जुस्तुजू क्या है

[The body has completely burned, so the heart must have too.
Why do you rake through the ashes, what is your intention.]

रगों में दौड़ते फिरने के हम नहीं क़ाइल
जब आँख ही से न टपका तो फिर लहू क्या है

[What is blood if it does not trickle from the eyes (out of misery/pain)
Just flowing around in the veins serves what end.]

वो चीज़ जिस के लिए हम को हो बहिश्त अज़ीज़
सिवाए बादा-ए-गुलफ़ाम-ए-मुश्क-बू क्या है

[The things for which we cherish the heaven, what is it other than wine flavored with the fragrance of delicate pink flowers and smelling like musk.]

पियूँ शराब अगर ख़ुम भी देख लूँ दो-चार
ये शीशा-ओ-क़दह-ओ-कूज़ा-ओ-सुबू क्या है

[The poet says that I can consume 2-4 barrels of wine. So what use is talking about these glasses, pitchers and wine jugs.]

रही न ताक़त-ए-गुफ़्तार और अगर हो भी
तो किस उमीद पे कहिए कि आरज़ू क्या है

[I am too weak to speak, but even if I had the strength
Why express any desire when there's no hope of fulfilment]

हुआ है शह का मुसाहिब फिरे है इतराता
वगर्ना शहर में 'ग़ालिब' की आबरू क्या है

[Ghalib has put on airs since he became the Shah's (king's) associate
Otherwise who would respect him in this town, what is his status in the city]

अंदाज़-ए-गुफ़्तुगू - style/way of talkingशो'ले - flameबर्क़ - lightningशोख़-ए-तुंद-ख़ू - quick tempered/ mischievousहम-सुख़न - someone who converses with youख़ौफ़-ए-बद-आमोज़ी-ए-अदू - fear that someone will slander behind the backपैराहन - dress/ lo...

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

अंदाज़-ए-गुफ़्तुगू - style/way of talking
शो'ले - flame
बर्क़ - lightning
शोख़-ए-तुंद-ख़ू - quick tempered/ mischievous
हम-सुख़न - someone who converses with you
ख़ौफ़-ए-बद-आमोज़ी-ए-अदू - fear that someone will slander behind the back
पैराहन - dress/ long robe
जैब - collar of the robe
हाजत-ए-रफ़ू - need to mend torn clothes
जुस्तुजू - quest/ to look for something
क़ाइल - to get impressed/ agree with
बहिश्त - heaven
अज़ीज़ - dear/ precious
बादा-ए-गुलफ़ाम-ए-मुश्क-बू -pink, musk flavoured wine
ख़ुम - barrels of wine/ whisky
शीशा-ओ-क़दह-ओ-कूज़ा-ओ-सुबू - bottle/ glass/ decanter of wine/ wine pot
ताक़त-ए-गुफ़्तार - strength to speak
शह का मुसाहिब - courtier of the royal court of the Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar
आबरू - reputation/ prestige

अंदाज़-ए-गुफ़्तुगू - style/way of talkingशो'ले - flameबर्क़ - lightningशोख़-ए-तुंद-ख़ू - quick tempered/ mischievousहम-सुख़न - someone who converses with youख़ौफ़-ए-बद-आमोज़ी-ए-अदू - fear that someone will slander behind the backपैराहन - dress/ lo...

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

har ek baat pe kehte ho tum ki tu kya hai
tumhi kaho ki ye andaz-e-guftugu kya hai

na sho.ale mein ye karishma na barq mein ye ada
koi batao ki vo shokh-e-tund-khu kya hai

ye rashk hai ki vo hota hai ham-sukhan tum se
vagarna khauf-e-bad-amozi-e-adu kya hai

chipak raha hai badan par lahu se pairahan
hamare jaib ko ab hajat-e-rafu kya hai

jala hai jism jahan dil bhi jal gaya hoga
kuredte ho jo ab raakh justuju kya hai

ragon mein daudte phirne ke ham nahi qaail
jab aankh hi se na tapka to phir lahu kya hai

vo chiiz jis ke liye ham ko ho bahisht aziiz
siva-e bada-e-gulfam-e-mushk-bu kya hai

piyu sharab agar khum bhi dekh luun do-char
ye shisha o qadah o kuuza o subu kya hai

rahi na taqat-e-guftar aur agar ho bhi
to kis umeed pe kahiye ki aarzu kya hai

hua hai shah ka musahib phire hai itrata
vagarna shehr mein 'ghalib' ki aabru kya hai

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