It indicated this concept of you, versus them. And it was discrete, but you noticed.

You couldn't pick why, just yet. But you were sure something was up.

Looking around, and chewing on a lollipop you had just pulled from your carry-on bag, you were feeling more and more overwhelmed by all the faces.

Namjoon and Hoseok, half the team. They seemed to work well together. Namjoon had blonde hair and tanner skin while Hoseok had brown hair and wore slim-framed circular glasses.

The way they spoke back and forth, with similar mannerisms and casual jokes, made it clear that they had known each other for a long time.

Jungkook and Jimin obviously were best friends. Jimin's hair was a pinky orange, and he had soft features.

Jungkook was a whole different breed of human.

Tall, assertive, sometimes warm, like there were two sides to him and it was always a lucky dip which you were going to get. His hair was longer, darker than the others. His body was lean-bulk, covered in tattoos, similar to yours.

His strongest attributes, you had observed, were in his accuracy. Not that you had seen much of his handiwork, but you could tell by his physique. The way he trained bullets to follow his lead.

Boys like Namjoon and Hoseok had seemingly focused more on physical strength. Technique. Weaponless-battles. Both have their pros and cons.

You had the upper hand.

Being trained relentlessly, in both.

Not to say that they hadn't, though. The files on these boys had given you little information. But there was simply no way the boss would bring this many people in, if they didn't have the kind of skill that she wants.

One, two, five boys.

Five goddamn boys.

"Now can I ask the obvious question of why you're all here?" you finally said, cutting off the small talk between them. "How'd you get the address?"

It was like they had formed an alliance against you already, the way they all looked at each other and exchanged words without speaking.

"Uh," Hoseok started, hesitant. "Probably the same way you got it?"

"What do you mean?" you wiggled down the couch a little to make room for Jimin who couldn't find a spot on the other one.

"I mean, we're all here together, so why would they only send the address to one of us?"

You felt your whole world cave in all at once.


Over and over in your brain flashed images of the weeks to come. You'd have no time to yourself, no time to focus or study or do what you normally need to complete your missions.

You needed space to breathe.

Space in general.

Quiet. Peace.

With this many people around—how were you ever going to be able to do this?

"No- No, you can't-" you muttered.

Quick flashes of the sounds of their laughter, their arguing, what it would be like having to try to work with no many other people.

It was too much.

Looking down at the floor, it was spinning. The carpet was moving and swirling with the heat rushes from your brain.

You're going to fail.

You're never going to find the jewel. You won't.

The boys are going to hold you back.

It felt like your throat had closed. Like you were at the bottom of the ocean and were never going to resurface.

You're going to let your boss down.


You opened your eyes and looked to the voice.

Jungkook had moved to the spot beside you. He had placed his hand on your shoulder, and half-smiled at you. His voice was deep, soft, and nurturing.

And just like that, you could breathe again.

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